Gridasova Liudmila

Head of Department of Scientific and organizational work and medical information with Library

Doctor-specialist in the organization and management of health care

Liudmila M. Gridasova – Head of Department of Scientific and organizational work and medical information with Library

Scientific experience - 33 years. 


In 1986, she graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Medical Institute. After passing the residency at the Institute of Therapy (in 1986-87), she transitioned from a Junior researcher to a Senior researcher in the Department of Scientific and Medical Information. 


Since December 2013, she has been working as a Senior researcher in the Department of Scientific-organizational Work and Medical Information with the Library of the Government Institution “L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” , which she headed in 2019. She constantly raises her qualification level. He has a certificate of a doctor-specialist in the specialty "Organization and management of health care" 


She constantly oversees the formation of the reporting documentation for the Institute's research work, and the provision of innovations by scientific departments to the annual Newsletter of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Annually, she provides information on the main results of scientific, scientific-technical, innovation activities and prepares statistics reports in the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She performs work on planning, organizing, conducting scientific and medical forums at the Institute. She has formed electronic versions of materials of scientific and practical conferences for printing and for the electronic database of the state library. 

At the request of various institutions (including the editorial boards of information and reference media), she compiles informative references and popular articles on the activities of the Institute. She was a co-performer of 16 scientific-research works. 


Since 2006, he has been the Chairman of the Institute's Audit Commission. 


For many years of conscientious work and high professionalism, she has been repeatedly awarded certificates and thanks.


She is the author/co-author of about 200 scientific publications. 

Gridasova Liudmila

Head of Department of Scientific and organizational work and medical information with Library, MD

L.T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,   

Address: 61039, 2a Lyubovi Maloy Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine
