Online Grids is the place to discover and download new resources for Grid 3.Every day new grid sets are being added by our assistive technology experts and community of Grid 3 users from across the world.

Grid 3 is a complete communication solution that enables people to have a voice, control their environment and live more independent lives. It's designed for anyone with complex communication or access needs and includes a wide range of resources that you can control with touch, switch, eye gaze and pointing devices. You'll find grid sets for talking with symbols or text, and content for all ages and abilities.

Grid 3 Download Smartbox

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Creating and personalizing resources in Grid 3 is so simple and intuitive. You can achieve everything, from editing a cell to creating whole new grid sets, within only a few clicks. It is quicker than ever to make changes on the go using the touch-friendly interface.

Whether you use symbols or text to communicate, there are applications and grid sets that will support you to achieve in the workplace and while studying. From powerful Computer Control tools that give you full access to Windows through to resources for people developing the early skills to use a communication aid.

Grid 3 is ready to go straight out of the box, but has been designed so you can edit your grid sets to suit your needs. So whether you would prefer larger text, high contrast colors or larger cells to target, everything is possible.

The support you can receive from family and professionals is unlimited with all new Remote Editing, where anyone you wish to have access to your user profile and grid sets can login and edit wherever they are in the world.

Grid 3 is designed with AAC users in mind. There are many readymade resources for everyone to explore, from powerful communication tools for text to grid sets for communicating with symbols and developing literacy.

Text Talker is packed with innovative features to make communicating as fast and efficient as possible. You can quickly generate messages in the moment and prepare for conversations in advance. It also includes ready-made grids for Message Banking, enabling people who still have some speech to capture it and recall it from within the app.

Accessible apps enable you to browse the web, use social media and so much more. There are grid sets for everything from making a quick phone call and sending a quick text or email, to updating your Facebook page and watching videos on YouTube.

Using any device with infrared and radio technology, Grid 3 helps you to take control of the devices in your home, and operate anything from televisions and lights, to heaters and beds. There is even a collection of Simple Environment Control grid sets to get you started.

You can access even more content from Online Grids in Grid 3. There are hundreds of grid sets available, with everything from storytelling to controlling specific apps and games. Some favourites include YouTube for Kids, sudoku and Amazon Alexa.

All new Remote Editing, delivers support through the Cloud, from anybody, anywhere. Family and caregivers, school staff and therapists, anyone who supports a specific user's communication and access can login and edit grids or create new ones. All this support from multiple users is included in the one Grid license purchased for the user.

The Grid 3 software transforms a Windows computer or tablet into a high-tech communication aid.

Text and symbols become speech in a variety of the best quality voices you can customize or record your own speech and sounds. 

Whether a communicator uses symbols or text there are applications and grid sets that will support you across environments, from school to home to the workplace.

Layout - Select the layout to match the grid you are using. The standard Grid layouts are listed. If you are using an unlisted layout, choose "Other". You will need to send us a screen capture of the app running in the configuration you want.

Reduce Openings To - By default, openings will be made as large as will fit the cell. If you specify a maximum opening size, the dimensions of the grid cells will be reduced so they are no bigger than the maximum you specified. If the cells would naturally be 1" wide and ".5" high, and you specified a maximum of 0.75", the cells would be reduced to 0.75" x 0.5". Round or square openings are reduced in both dimensions to the specified size. If the cells are already smaller than the specified size, nothing will change.

Simply gaze at any of the grid cells (or scan and select them using your switches/ joystick) and the corresponding game controller action is sent to the game console/ gaming computer to successfully play the game. Every one of the controls on a standard game controller is reproduced in the page set, including both momentary and timed thumbstick movements and single, double, and timed presses of all buttons, bumpers and triggers. A Rapid-Fire option is also included for all buttons and triggers.

The 9-box grid, developed by McKinsey in the 1970s, is a useful tool for performance management, talent management and succession planning within the business. It began as an assessment framework for General Electric (GE) to prioritise its investments across the business. However, it has since been adapted for the HR function for the selection and recruitment of employees based on performance and potential.

The boxes on the grid indicate where people are currently performing mapped against their potential for development. For example, the people in the top-right box (the most desirable position, with maximum performance and potential for growth) are likely to be your future leaders.

The 9-box grid is a great tool for determining the potential, risk and impact of the loss of existing talent. It also helps inform where training resources should be allocated and helps to ensure the best return on investment for learning.

These drawbacks are just some of the reasons organisations are looking for ways of supplementing the information from the 9-box grid to provide a more holistic understanding of talent and succession planning.

There are organisations that use the 9-box grid well and find it a highly effective tool for supplementing talent management and succession planning. However, like most frameworks, the 9-box grid is not a silver bullet.

We have both. As you will be using an iPad either app is good. Proloquo2go doesn't work on windows but the windows version of grid 3 would. 

Proloquo2go uses symbolstix which are nice easy to use as are the icons used in grid 3 (think they are widgets. They are not interchangeable so if she is using symbol sets in other areas check what they are so that she is not confused by the changes. 

We found both apps excellent, but grid seems easier overall and is very versatile. We have the suite (grid 3) on windows which has loads of different apps within it from symbols to plain vocabulary but on iPad I think it's just Grid? 

Proloquo2go we found a little 'messy' and more confusing to a child as they learn, and grid 3 more straightforward. They both grow with the child's vocabulary. Proloquo2go has an in app purchase of Gateway which we found far easier to use, but the app itself is very expensive so it's a big outlay. Grid used to offer a free trial so if still available I'd go with that. I think grid for iPad is cheaper but as it's a British organisation whereas Proloquo2go is American, I'd go with grid.


We were in exactly the position. School salt saying no, and actually telling the school not to use the iPad, even though they were using it successfully with gateway (in app purchase on Proloquo2go). Go with your gut. Your child communicates in multiple ways and offering a more formal way is so right. I would go with Grid as it's so versatile and if you call the team they are so helpful on the phone. We use grid 3 with a windows device and they can remotely access it and sort out little problems. As you know windows is so much more complicated than apple devices so grid for iPad will be easier. There's also a Smartbox Facebook page and a Proloquo2go Facebook page. We now use eye gaze as DS is physically disabled and it's easier, but grid 3 has so much more behind it than Proloquo2go. So we started with Proloquo2go and moved in to Grid. Just to add into the mix with have tobii dynavox Snap + core which is another good one and very similar to grid.

You can download TD snap lite free to get an idea of how they work. I don't think it speaks. With Grid for iPad you get a whole suite plus games by the look of it. The windows grid you can download tons of grids like you tube, Disney plus, advent calendar. So that's why it's so expensive 2351a5e196

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