MUST KNOW before Register & Submission


1. The presenter must be a graduate student from the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Technology, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, and studying a Ph.D. / M.Sc. Program or a Graduate Scholarship / Thesis Scholarship Recipient who already graduated, but never presented in any Graduate Research Forum as specified in the Scholarship contract

2. The presenter who had presented in a previous graduate research forum also allowed submitting for the GRF 2022, but a previous abstract is not accepted.

3. If your research related to human/animal subject, you must submit an approval document for ethic in human/animal

4. The submitting research must never be published, if published; you can submit it by abstract only.

5. Major advisor and delegate bear responsibility for ensuring that your contents, academic English writing, and formatting meet the criteria for scholarly writing. It is not a responsibility of the Committee to verify.

6. All Abstract must be present by short presentation for the 1st round. After that, the committees will select short presentations to be oral presentation and short presentations will win as consolation prize (* If Oral Presenter cannot present on that date, he/she will be disclaimed for any rewards)

7. Please submit your abstract/ manuscripts as MS Word formats and Portable Document Format (PDF)



1. The abstract must be written in English, typed in ‘Times New Roman’ font, 12 points, and must not exceed 250 words (excluding Title, Author(s), Institution(s), and Keywords). Please fill them in the attached form.

2. In the abstract, the topic must be BOLD, no indent is needed, and start a new paragraph when the topic changes.

3. Title: Always use capital letter with the first alphabet, except prepositions and scientific terms of species.

4. Author(s): Identify full name and last name of authors without qualification and position.

5. Institution(s): Type in italic. If the authors are from different affiliations, please use number 1, 2, 3 … for superscript and alternate with colon (,). Please begin with Department, Faculty and Institution. For external sectors, please start with Division.

6. Objective(s)

7. Introduction/Background

8. Material(s) and Method(s)

9. Results

10. Discussion & Conclusion

11. Keywords: 3-5 words

12. Language in the abstract must be appropriate and grammatically accurate. For scientific names, please underline the word, so that the publisher will turn them into italic.

13. Press 1 space bar between words, press 2 space bars between sentences. Punctuation mark must be close the previous word, then, press 1 space bar. Do not try to start a new paragraph.

14. The committee will not accept the abstract without results.

15. The committee will select some abstracts to be oral presentation.

16. Deadline for submission is March 5th, 2022.

17. Submit the abstract via online system to this website as MS Word formats and Portable Document Format (PDF)

18. The abstract must not be published in any publication.

19. The abstract must not be in any proceeding.


1. Manuscript should be presented in the following order:

Title page: The title page should contain the following:

● Title of the paper.

● A short running head (no more than 50 characters, including spaces).

●Type of manuscript (e.g. Original Article, Case Report, Review Article).

●Full names of the all authors with the highest academic degree.

● Addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out.

●E-mail address, plus facsimile and telephone numbers, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript, proofs and requests for offprint should be sent.

●Total word count (text only; excluding abstract, tables, and figure legends). The title should be short (less than 80 characters, including spaces), informative and contain major keywords.

Words: Usually no longer than 3,000 words. An exception can be allowed by the Editor-in-Chief when appropriate. Tables and illustrations should not exceed 6 in total.

References: The Vancouver system of referencing should be used. References should be cited numerically in the order they appear in the text. Identify references in text, tables and legends by Arabic numerals in parentheses or as superscripts. Please give names of all authors and editors. In the reference list, the references should be numbered and listed in order of appearance in the text.

Cite the names of all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first six followed by “et al”. Names of journals should be abbreviated in the style used in Index Medicus (see examples below). Reference to unpublished data and personal communications should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g. A Smith, unpubl. Data, 2000).

Journal article

Sibai BM. Magnesium sulfate is the ideal anticonvulsant in preeclampsia-eclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990; 162: 1141-5.


Remington JS, Swartz MN. Current Topics in Infectious Diseases, Vol 21. Boston: Blackwell Science Publication, 2001.

Chapter in a book

Cunningham FG, Hauth JC, Leveno KJ, Gilstrap L III, Bloom SL, Wenstrom KD. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. In: Cunningham FG, Hauth JC, Leveno KJ, Gilstrap L III, Brom SL, Wenstrom KD, eds. Williams Obstetrics, 22nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005: 761-808.

2. Manuscripts must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any form.

3. Manuscripts submitted will be carefully screened for plagiarism

4. Language in the manuscripts must be appropriate and grammatically accurate.

5. The committee will select some manuscripts to be oral presentation.

6. Deadline for submission is March 5th, 2022.

7. Submit the manuscripts via online system to this website as MS Word formats and Portable Document Format (PDF)



1. Abstract file Download Template here

2. Ethic approval document file (if any)


For proceeding

1. Abstract file Download Template here

2. Manuscript file Download Template here

3. Ethic approval document file

4. Letter of approval before submission manuscript for proceeding file Download Template here