Gregorio Curello
I am a postdoc at the economics department of the University of Mannheim.
Research interests: innovation, industrial organisation, voting, comparative statics.
Contact: gregorio dot curello at
Agenda-Manipulation in Ranking, with Ludvig Sinander (slides, video), Review of Economic Studies, Volume 90, Issue 4, July 2023.
Working papers
The Comparative Statics of Persuasion, with Ludvig Sinander
Incentives for Collective Innovation, Revise & Resubmit, Theoretical Economics (concealment extension)
Screening for Breakthroughs, with Ludvig Sinander, Revise & Resubmit, Theoretical Economics (omitted proofs)
The Preference Lattice, with Ludvig Sinander, Revise & Resubmit, Journal of Economic Theory
Complete Contracts under Incomplete Information, with Qianjun Lyu and Yimeng Zhang