Best Thessaloniki Greece Dedicated Server by Managed - Unmanaged - Linux - Windows - CO LOCATION Buy at Cheap, Low Cost and affordable price

The Greece Dedicated Server by is designed for any type of server, including residential, office, or business. The Server is designed for maximum scalability with a minimum of maintenance required. It is a managed and scalable server. Its software is designed for easy deployment, scalability, and performance.

The Greece Dedicated Server by is ideal for any size business. It allows for scalability with minimal IT management and features high-performance hardware, high availability, and a great customer support system. The Server features the latest technologies including Linux, NFS, and Windows. It has a low monthly maintenance cost.

The Greece Server offers high performance with a virtualized architecture. The Server comes with a Web-based control panel that allows for quick configuration and management of the server. It is supported by a scalable, high-performance hardware that allows for high availability.

The Greece Server features a centralized control panel, centralized administration, and high scalability. It also features a flexible management system that allows for easy management and deployment.

The Greece Server features a highly customizable operating system and is highly scalable with Root Access. Root Access enables the administrators to provide fast, easy access to files and folders that are on the Server. The server can be easily upgraded or customized to meet the needs of a growing company. The Server comes with the latest tools such as Microsoft Access, Sharepoint, and MySQL.

The Greece Dedicated Server comes with a customer support system and daily backup and recovery service. It also provides a scalable hosting environment. The Server offers full 24-hour customer support for any support problem with your server.

The Greece Server comes with a wide range of hardware that allows for the hosting of multiple applications. The Server comes with a very low monthly maintenance cost and comes with a variety of storage capacity. It comes with a dedicated network with a virtual Private Branch Exchange (PBX) and a large amount of bandwidth.

The Greece Server by has a well-organized web site and has easy to use configuration tools. It comes with a well-developed customer support system that allows for easy installation and configuration. It comes with a highly customizable software that enables the server to provide maximum scalability and performance.

The Greece Server offers a highly flexible and scalable infrastructure. The Server features a flexible hardware configuration that allows for easy provisioning and management. It comes with a scalable, high-performance infrastructure that allows for maximum scalability and performance.

The Greece Dedicated Server by allows for easy provisioning and management. It comes with a highly customizable software that enables the server to provide maximum scalability and performance. It comes with a highly flexible and scalable infrastructure that allows for easy provisioning and management.

Supported Software

Operating System

red hat enterprise Linux - Ubantu - Windows standard and r2 (2008, 2012, 2016, 2019) - CentOS - Unix - Solaris - opensuse - MAC OS - Kabantu - Fedora - Unity - Cloud Linux - RHEL - Debian - Slackware - Rockstor - YaST - Citrix Xenserver - ESXI - FreeBSD - VMWare - scientific - suse - vyatta - vsphere - parallel cloud server - routeros

Control Panel

cPanel - Plesk - ISPConfig - DirectAdmin - Ajenti- OpenPanel - EHCP - Kloxo - ZPanel - ispCP - VHCS - Webmin - RavenCore - Virtualmin - DTC - InterWorx - BlueOnyx - Froxlor - ISPmanager - VestaCP - ZoPanel - Sentora - CentOS web panel - WebsitePane

DataBase - Microsoft sql server Express 2014 - 2016 - 2017 - 2019

Usage - File Server, Game Server, Web Hosting, Intranet, Application Server, Android Apps Server, IOS Application, Gaming Software, Online Tally, Vici dialer Application, E-Commerce Website, and multiple CMS, Video encoding, remote record stockpiling, DNS, VPN, Voice Service, Proxy server, Minecraft

Xen - latest Intel Xeon processors - High I/O performance - co location - NVMe - HDD - SATA - LXC - AMD - PaaS - IaaS

Dedicated Features - Root access - IPMI Access

Dedicated Products - 2gb dedicated server, 100mbps server, 64gb dedicated server, game server hosting, server ssh, unlimited bandwidth server

Data Center location

Thessaloniki, Athens

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