Morning Flight

Under construction! 


Rock Pigeon - ROPI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Generally large and distinctive. Many sightings may involve local movements. This species also makes routine circuits to water sources. 

All white, or atypically plumaged individuals, are frequently observed at some locations. These may involve recently released individuals, or competitive homing pigeons. Occasionally they will settle at "dead end" locations, are often banded, and may be quite tame. Rarely, "other" domesticated varieties are observed, which have atypical GISS. This includes a very large breed with long wings which may occasionally make prolonged stiff-winged glides, strongly recalling a large falcon. Observers may be quick to assume they are seeing something "different" such as a vagrant Band-tailed Pigeon. 

Eurasian Collared-Dove - EUCD

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight: 

Peak Season

First impression usually closer to Rock Pigeon than Mourning Dove due to large size and more rounded GISS than the "pointy" GISS of Mourning Dove. Beware Mourning Dove in molt (Jun-Aug) or missing tail which gives atypical impression. Gray vent can be surprisingly evident in flight helping to eliminate released African Collared-Dove (aka Ringed Turtle Dove). 

Mourning Dove - MODO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Regularly observed in flight, with flights of several hundred recorded in Mar-Apr. Travels to and from roost sites daily which may cloud their true migratory intentions outside of peak spring flights. Males in spring will also escort passage birds for some distance before returning back to their territories. 

Very swift and generally direct flight, often in small groups. Very pointed GISS different than other pigeon and dove species. Beware molting birds as well as recently fledged juveniles from May-Aug which can demonstrate atypical GISS. 

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - YBCU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Surprisingly regular participant in morning flight. Fall movements may be difficult to classify.

Swooping / rowing flight distinctive as a cuckoo with experience. Reddish flash in primaries, plus overall warm brown tone, are often key features for field ID. Yellow on bill and white undertail spots are usually harder to see. Probability also aids in identification over Black-billed. 

Black-billed Cuckoo - BBCU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Rarely observed in flight - which is in stark contrast to Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Check primaries for the reddish flash of yellow-billed vs. the cool slate-toned brown of Black-billed.

It's unclear if this species would participate in adverse weather reverse migration. 

Chimney Swift - CHSW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - RTHU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Belted Kingfisher - BEKI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red-headed Woodpecker - RHWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red-bellied Woodpecker - RBWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - YBSA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Three-toed Woodpecker - ATTW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Black-backed Woodpecker - BBWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Downy Woodpecker - DOWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Hairy Woodpecker - HAWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Flicker - NOFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Pileated Woodpecker - PIWO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Great Crested Flycatcher - GCFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Western Kingbird - WEKI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Kingbird - EAKI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Olive-sided Flycatcher - OSFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Wood-Pewee - EAWP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - YBFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Alder / Willow Flycatchers  - TRFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Least Flycatcher - LEFL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Phoebe - EAPH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Loggerhead Shrike - LOSH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Shrike - NSHR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

White-eyed Vireo - WEVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-throated Vireo - YTVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blue-headed Vireo - BHVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Philadelphia Vireo - PHVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Warbling Vireo - WAVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red-eyed Vireo - REVI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blue Jay - BLJA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Crow - AMCR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Fish Crow - FICR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Common Raven - CORA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Horned Lark - HOLA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Bank Swallow - BANS

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Tree Swallow - TRES

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Rough-winged Swallow - NRWS

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Purple Martin - PUMA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Barn Swallow - BANS

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Cliff Swallow - CLSW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Cave Swallow - CASW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Black-capped Chickadee - BCCH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Boreal Chickadee - BOCH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Tufted Titmouse - TUTI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red-breasted Nuthatch - RBNU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

White-breasted Nuthatch - WBNU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Brown Creeper - BRCR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

House Wren - HOWR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Winter Wren - WIWR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Sedge Wren - SEWR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Marsh Wren - MAWR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Carolina Wren - CARW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - BGGN

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Golden-crowned Kinglet - GCKI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - RCKI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Bluebird - EABL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Townsend's Solitaire - TOSO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Veery - VEER

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Gray-cheeked Thrush  - GCTH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Swainson's Thrush - SWTH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Hermit Thrush - HETH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Wood Thrush - WOTH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Robin - AMRO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Gray Catbird - GRCA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Brown Thrasher - BRTH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Mockingbird - NOMO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

European Starling - EUST

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Bohemian Waxwing - BOWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Cedar Waxwing - CEDW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

House Sparrow - HOSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eurasian Tree Sparrow - ETSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Pipit - AMPI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Evening Grosbeak - EVGR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Pine Grosbeak - PIGR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

House Finch - HOFI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Purple Finch - PUFI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Common Redpoll - CORE

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Hoary Redpoll - HORE

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red Crossbill - RECR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

White-winged Crossbill - WWCR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Pine Siskin - PISI

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Goldfinch - AMGO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Lapland Longspur - LALO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Smith's Longspur - SMLO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Snow Bunting - SNBU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Grasshopper Sparrow - GRSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Lark Sparrow - LASP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Chipping Sparrow - CHSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Clay-coloured Sparrow - CCSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Field Sparrow - FISP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Fox Sparrow - FOSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Tree Sparrow - ATSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Dark-eyed Junco - DEJU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

White-crowned Sparrow - WCSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Harris's Sparrow - HASP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

White-throated Sparrow - WTSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Vesper Sparrow - VESP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Savannah Sparrow - SAVS

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Song Sparrow - SOSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Lincoln's Sparrow - LISP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Swamp Sparrow - SWSP

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Towhee - EATO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-breasted Chat - YBCH

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-headed Blackbird - YHBL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Bobolink - BOBO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Eastern Meadowlark - EAME

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Western Meadowlark - WEME

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Orchard Oriole - OROR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Baltimore Oriole - BAOR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Red-winged Blackbird - RWBL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Brown-headed Cowbird - BHCO

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Rusty Blackbird - RUBL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Brewer's Blackbird - BRBL

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Common Grackle - COGR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Ovenbird - OVEN

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Worm-eating Warbler - WEWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Louisiana Waterthrush - LOWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Waterthrush - NOWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Golden-winged Warbler - GWWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blue-winged Warbler - BWWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Black-and-white Warbler - BAWW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Prothonotary Warbler - PROW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Tennessee Warbler - TEWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Orange-crowned Warbler - OCWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Nashville Warbler - NAWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Connecticut Warbler - CONW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Mourning Warbler - MOWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Kentucky Warbler - KEWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Common Yellowthroat - COYE

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Hooded Warbler - HOWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

American Redstart - AMRE

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Kirtland's Warbler - KIWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Cape May Warbler - CMWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Cerulean Warbler - CERW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Parula - NOPA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Magnolia Warbler - MAWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Bay-breasted Warbler - BBWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blackburnian Warbler - BLBW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow Warbler - YEWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Chestnut-sided Warbler - CSWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blackpoll Warbler - BLPW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Black-throated Blue Warbler - BTBW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Palm Warbler - PAWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Pine Warbler - PIWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-rumped Warbler - YRWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Yellow-throated Warbler - YTWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Prairie Warbler - PRAW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Black-throated Green Warbler - BTNW

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Canada Warbler - CAWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Wilson's Warbler - WIWA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Scarlet Tanager - SCTA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Summer Tanager - SUTA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Northern Cardinal - NOCA

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - RBGR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Blue Grosbeak - BLGR

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Indigo Bunting - INBU

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: 

Dickcissel - D!CK

Propensity to Fly: 

Types of Flight 

Peak Season: