Great Great Lakes Birding

Welcome to the Great Great Lakes Birding website! We've put this site together as a resource for bird watchers who enjoy the thrill of finding new and exciting locations or species within the region. A high level overview of topics are shown below. We'll try to update this page as new information becomes available. Please also check out our discord server for a chance to informally discuss topics that are of interest to the community. Great birding everyone!

After a long night of migration, songbirds will sometimes... Take flight again in the morning? Even in the opposite direction? 

Standardized daily counts of migrating waterbirds to the thrill of targeted storm birding. 

Monitoring the diurnal migration of raptors, but also other birds including passerines, swallows, hummingbirds, cranes, pelicans and more. 

Perhaps the greatest spectacle in birding, under the right conditions birders can revel in flocks of hundreds to thousands of birds during the migration seasons. 

Spotting an atypical or unexpected bird can make a birders day!

A plethora of species, plumages and variation makes gull study an excellent return on your investment of time. The more you learn about them, the more fun it gets!