Piggy Nightmares - Group & Badge Skin

What's new?

New Group Skin + Badge Skin

A *brand* new skin has been added to the game! This Skin is "The VHS Lord" (Thx to Pix for allowing us to add it ^^), if you wanna check this GREAT skin, you must be in the Group "Great Develop Games"

Now... a new Badge Skin has been added to the game, "Mr.Crazy"! If you wanna obtain this badge, you have to say in the chat "He's allways watching you!"

New Votes 2!

Now you can vote again on the Vote Menu!

New Donation Board!

Want to support us? Now you can with the Donation Board! Donos will cheer me a bit more while working on my games!

x2 Points if you joined 2 groups!

If you joined the groups: "papirus2619's Group" and "Great Develop Games", you will earn x2 points!

Added & Removed Member Skin

A GREAT Member Skin has been added, say hello to "Mr. Mole" made by the awesome @SPRINGTRUP56, and say goodby to "Karla", the owner of this skin told us to remove it.

Mr. Mole

Karla Skin

Update Log Redesign

We made a Redesign to the Update Log, looking GREAT for now!

Change TOP of both leaderboards (Again)

We had to change the Top of the Leaderboards to 40 sadly, we're sorry!

Chapter 11 is coming really but REALLY soon! Hope you enjoy this update!