Piggy Nightmares - Chapter 11

What's new?


Hey! It's me papirus2619. I'm here to say to y'all tysm for all the support! I'ts really appreciated since I'm trying to make the GREATEST content for you. Thank you so much for playing and cheers up for future updates!

The game had lot of bugs, and it was awful to play. Things such as the end cutscene weren't able to watch it entirely due to the chapter being deleted. But anyway, here's a BIG list of patched bugs + new things added to the game:

But, it will no longer show up.

x2 Tokens Event

Earn the double of tokens! Complete some chapters before it's over!

New Codes!

Use code "Chapter 11" and "MassiveCode" for free Tokens! This is a way to say thanks for all the support and donations we've been recieving! Thank you so much. :D

Removed "Extra" Chapter (lol)

The Extra Chapter has been removed from the game.


Back months ago (or even more than a year), I've got asked frecuently if I'll make a Build Mode, you know, just like in Piggy. And well, I allways replied with "Maybe" or "i don't know, pretty hard to re-create it". I mean, back months ago, it was very hard to me to make more difficult codes. But, days ago, I've decided to make an attemp of re-creating Build Mode, and I successfully made the place block function! Expect a Build Mode (not sure if it will be multi-player) on Piggy Nightmares!