Update 1.4

What's new?

New Communities!

Always wanted to have a group with some fans/members on it? Well, we introduce the "Communities"!

You can create your own community, or explore some made by others! if you ever wanted to create a Roblox Group, instead of having to do lot of search to find a group that has no onwer, you can easily create one by making some clicks! :D
(Ignore the "Anime Girls Fans Community" btw)

~ How to create a Community ~

When opening the "Communities" category, click on the green button (Create), and fill all the boxes: write the name of the group, a logan (not optional), an basic description, the ID of a decal to make it the Community Emblem, and on extra settings you can choose if you want people be able to chat, if you want your community be on the Public Communities, and if you want that only your friends can join.

~ Server Preview ~

When you're done creating your community, you'll be able to check it out! As you can see, we have the channels on the left side, the frames on the middle, and the member list on the right side!


Main Info: Displays the basic info about the server (logan, when it got created, invite, and member count)

Chat: Shows the chat wall, where you can see messages that members from the group send in.

Boost Perks: Displays the Level of the community based on how many boosts it has, if more boosts, more persk unlocked! You can boost this community to support it as well.

Settings: The owner can change the community name, icon, description, logan, Emblem, if anyone can chat, if only friends can join, etc.

Join Community/Leave Community: Click it to join or leave a community.

New Community Boost

Do you want to unlock more perks for your community or support other communities? You can purchase them in the "Passes" Category!

Now, if you don't have enough robux, don't worry. We'll surely make events where you can get free boosts ;)

Please know that this update was VERY hard to make, there's 824 line codes just to create the Community System, and 297 line codes for the community loader, so please consider giving at least the game a like, we're gonna appreciate it :')