Re-Balance Update

What's new?

Rebalanced Game

We've notice that the game was too unbalanced! So we decided to reset the Currency Data Store (only on Normal World) and also re-balance some things:

Free Ruby?!

We know that reseting people's stats is horrorful. So we decided to give FREE RUBY to everyone! Use code "Re-Balanced Code" for +17,500 free Ruby and 3 Hype Gift 1!

New Dark Lucky Potion!

Feeling so unlucky today? You can buy the "Dark Lucky Potion" to get a much better luck. The thing that makes different this potion from the others is that the chances of getting a pet will be duplicated with a random number from 2 to 5! (Affects to all pets)

Extra Boost on breakables

All breakables have a small chance to get an extra boost. This extra boost will duplicate your gains! (Very useful on Extreme World)

New bank Incomes!

Yay! Finally, after a long time. We introduce to you Bank Incomes! Every 30 minutes (in-game), you'll be able to 

Better Shop Frame + Changes

A brand new frame redesign is on the shop frame! We also made some changes to the prices of boosts and the potions. Instead of costing Coins, Gems or Rebirths, now it cost Ruby!

Removed Codes "Woozlo" & "Night_Foxx"

The codes "Woozlo" and "Night_Foxx" are no longer available! Congrats to those who redeemed it!

Also, thanks to @Elbybl0 (on Roblox) for some suggestions :D