What's new?

Re-worked the whole game!

Yes, you head that right! We've decided to re-write 90% of all scripts in-game, meaning that there will be much less bugs!

New musics per world!

We added new unique musics instead of the same repetitive music. We also made that the Music Setting saves, meaning that you don't have to turn it off every time you get inside the game.

Fixed Inventory Issues!

We added new unique musics instead of the same repetitive music. We also made that the Music Setting saves, meaning that you don't have to turn it off every time you get inside the game.

Added back Pet EXP system!

YAY! Pet Levels are back on GDG's Click Sim! Level up your pets by doing clicks or breaking breakables to buff their stats!

Better UI!

The old UI was kinda boring, it was just a frame with a border line, a big title, and a Close Button.

It was such a basic and repetitive pattern on every frame, that we decided to change it!



Optimized the game!

Lag was significally reduced for low devices. You'll notice a big difference on your fps!

Better hatch!

Instead of having 3 buttons to select the eggs you wanna have (E = 1; R = 3; Q = 6), we decided to just make it one button, and when you press it, it will ask you how many do you wanna hatch (x1, x3, x6). We also made that the pets don't spin anymore.

4 new themes!

We added 3 brand new themes into the game! These are:

Changed how click works [IMPORTANT]

So when you click, back them you gained the ammount of coins based on your equipped pets, no matter if they were busy or not destroying coins piles. But now, if you have a pet equipped, and that pet is busy breaking a breakable, it won't help you with your clicks.

Separated Boost and potions into different shops!

We decided to separate the Boots and Potions on the Shop Frame, so we addeed a little building on the area "Desert", where you can find the luck potions and a little bit more.

Removed Halloween Event!

The Halloween event is no longer in-game. Congrats to those who have on their inventories some Halloween Pets!

Nerfed Huges, Titanics and God pets health!

It was too easy to defead bosses with pets that have lot of health. So we reduced it. Huges will have 500 HP, Titanics 750 HP and God Pets 1k.

Fixed Pet Existence + All pets will display it!

All pets should display the ammount of pets that exist, and the pet exist system is fixed!

New Pet Follow System!

We added new unique musics instead of the same repetitive music. We also made that the Music Setting saves, meaning that you don't have to turn it off every time you get inside the game.

Easier Extreme Mode!

We made Extreme Mode just a little bit easier. While breaking breakables you'll get small drops.

New Christmas World!

We added new unique musics instead of the same repetitive music. We also made that the Music Setting saves, meaning that you don't have to turn it off every time you get inside the game.

New Chroma Pet!

The new Huge Pet that you can hatch on the secret area can come in different colors! Making them much rare than their other variants!

Little tutorial for begginers!

We added new unique musics instead of the same repetitive music. We also made that the Music Setting saves, meaning that you don't have to turn it off every time you get inside the game.

Removed Trading (temporally)

The trading system will be back, I promise. and we'll make it look much better! Meanwhile, you have the Egg Inventory Button.