Recognising Heroes in battle of ‘Planet vs. Plastics’

Are you committed to cleaning up our planet? 

Do you want to organize innovative cleanups/plogging?  or are you already doing this? Has your initiative helped transform a garbage-laden space into a clean one? Have you inspired others to take similar action? 

If your answers to these questions are ‘yes’, then The IESA EARTH DAY Great Global Cleanup Heroes Awards is the best platform to showcase such efforts and get recognised for contributing to a cleaner, healthier world.

About the Award:

The IESA EARTH DAY Great Global Cleanup Heroes Awards is a prestigious competition organized by Earth Day Network India (EDN) in partnership with the India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) and Emerging Technology News (ETN). It aims to develop leadership for mobilizing people around cleanups and sensitizing them about plastic pollution. This award recognizes, celebrates, and honors groups and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional creativity, dedication, and success in cleaning up various environments to keep our planet clean.

Send your Nominations for the Awards. You might be a lucky winner.  There are exciting prizes for winners.  In addition media coverage and exclusive opportunities for Networking and collaboration. 

Your successful methods will be shared widely, empowering others to replicate your efforts.  The lucky ones will have an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organisations working towards a sustainable future.

Why Participate?

Gain well-deserved recognition for your innovative and practical initiatives in environmental restoration.

Inspire others with your out-of-the-box approach and encourage them to join the global cleanup movement.

Your successful methods will be shared widely, empowering others to replicate your efforts on a larger scale.

Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations working towards a sustainable future.

Exciting prizes await the winners, including rewards, media coverage, and exclusive opportunities for collaboration.

Who Can Apply?

Open to Individuals, Community groups, NGOs, schools, colleges, businesses, and any registered or non-registered organization or department.

Whether you are a small community group, a large corporation, or an educational institution, your efforts in environmental cleanup are valued and welcomed.

How to Apply?

Step - 1

Before 31st May 2024

Step -3

Before 10th June 2024

Important Dates

1st July 2023 - Open Call to submit nominations for "Great Global Cleanup Heroes Awards 2024"

31st May 2024 - Deadline of Application [Nomination]

10th June 2024 - Deadline to Submit Final Report

15th June 2024 - Invitation e-mails sent to selected awardees

1st July 2024 - Awards Ceremony

Award Categories:

Join the Cleanup Heroes Movement!

Be a part of this global movement and inspire change through your exceptional cleanup initiatives. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for future generations.


Circular Economy in Cleanups for Impactful Change

Join us for an engaging webinar focused on enhancing beach cleanup efforts and promoting environmental conservation. We’ll explore best practices, safety in waste management, community engagement, and recycling partnerships. Learn about the circular economy and innovative recycling initiatives by cleanup groups.

Glimpses of IESA Earth Day Great Global Cleanup Heroes Awards 2023

The award ceremony was held on 3rd May 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Geographical variation for previous year entries

Applications For 2024

Vinayak Salunkhe: +91-8999779586
