I Don 39;t Remember Names Faces Numbers Song Download Mp3

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So what to look for? Perhaps someone you care for is struggling to remember what they did yesterday and forgets the names of friends or everyday objects. They may have difficulty following conversations or TV programmes, repeat things over and over, or have problems thinking or reasoning. They may feel angry, anxious or depressed about memory loss or feel confused even in a familiar environment.

When someone has a declining short-term memory that begins to have an impact on their work, social and home life, it may be an early sign of dementia. They may not just lose things (such as keys or remote controls) or misplace them in odd places, they may forget what they are for. They may forget to do simple household jobs or go to the shops and forget what they want to buy. They may have difficulty remembering something they have just read or seen on the TV, in recognising familiar faces (such as the Prime Minister) or recalling recent events. However, they may be able to recall in detail things that happened many years ago.

I have suffered this condition since I was a teenager, and have had it all my life I am now 55, I have not seen it get any worse. I would say it has held me back in many ways and definitely made many social situations and socialising awkward. It has definitely been the cause of numerous embarrassing incidents, at work, running a kids football team, even with relatives, the funny thing is I find some peoples names I can remember straight away and never forget but for some, no matter how hard I try, certain people I just cannot remember their names. At work I often feel incompetent though I am lucky to have had several great bosses of the years who have just acknowledged I am not good with names and be patient with me when I can't remember someone.

You are not alone. I dropped my plan to advance in leadership path because of this. As you stated, " I find some peoples names I can remember straight away and never forget but for some, no matter how hard I try, certain people I just cannot remember their names", I have similar experience. I consulted couple of doctors and they all did basic memory tests and I passed all of them. But one think I improved(or my memory deteriorated) is because of taking magnesium supplements. I am just posting here just for reference:

This is me! The battle caused social anxiety on a large scale from teen to nearly 30. A managerial promotion forced me to confront the crippling anxiety and eventually CBT worked to control it. It would be a fair hypothesis to suppose the anxiety caused the memory problems but I am wholly convinced its the other way around. I am far less anxious now and have a lot to feel proud about but the memory issues have been a constant. I find ways around it to Foundation at work but can appear socially awkward which is inevitable when the back and forth of a conversation is regularly, inexplicably interrupted if I need to talk names or dates or describe recent events for that matter. I do feel I would benefit from a diagnosis so I it was understood and I didn't look rude. Its bizarre but having never needed to interview I've been promoted 3 times to Regional Manager and am now in charge of 4million Turnover and 100 staff. I have strengths clearly but everyday I feel its a matter of time before someone with power realises there is no depth to my knowledge, at least that is how it would seem when I can't remember so much basic stuff. That person that used to work with such and such at you know where. Its bad.

Ive been taking Ginko Biloba supplements a couple of months and do feel they helped with sharpness to an extent. Chamomile helps with keeping calm. Nothing helps with the memory with names and numbers though. I wish there was something.

I still greatly struggle with rapid recall, especially for names and numbers. I fear not being able to rapidly respond with my birth date at the pharmacy, my zip code at the gas pump or my phone number when leaving a voice message. My wife and I have a method for getting people's names where I start offering to introduce her (to people I know well, but can't recall their names) and she jumps in and quickly makes the introduction herself. However, I no longer think of myself as deficient or at least any more deficient than anyone else. I know a lot of game show speedsters that have struggled to translate their quick recall academic success into success after academics. There are many different measures of intelligence and unfortunately for US academics, there is only one box for everyone.

I too have worked out a similar introduction protocol with my wife. The necessity of doing so occurred early in our marriage as I would avoid the introduction phase when seeing old friends while accompanied by my wife as an example. As you likely know from experience, it only took a few of these awkward interactions to result in the discussion of my inability to remember names. My precious and loving wife, has helped me immensely and in many different ways over our 31yrs of marriage - but notably, this crafted introduction protocol has been something of our secret and I've never shared it with anyone. To say your articulation of the same protocol hit home is an understatement!

Wow. I never realized how many other people have these problems. I'm not alone! Ever since early childhood I have been unable to remember names of most people, places or things, as well as dates, and I could never get above beginning Algebra (in spite of taking Algebra II three times) because numbers simply do not mean anything to me. The teachers would go over the equations, and they would make perfect sense at the time, but when I tried to do the homework or a test, it was as if I had never seen it before. While I can count and do simple math, all numbers are confusing to me. If I have to leave at noon to get somewhere, I have to focus strongly on the clock to understand if 11:40 means I am early or late. I have to concentrate to remember which is larger, 1,500 or 15,000, and must double check my totals as the ability to rationalize if the total makes sense is not there. Oddly, fractions I understand.

With names, it doesn't matter whether it is a person, place or thing. I may or may not remember it. Usually not. To cope, I also do the description routine: "You know, that--place--we went to where the--birds--were eating out of--our son's--hand," and "Quick, I need the...I have to clean up this mess, hand me the...p...paper...TOWELS!" Of course, by this time the counter spill is now a counter and floor spill. I have always found that stress increases the problem, though it is always there. By "stress" I mean having to come up with the name RIGHT NOW, as in greeting or introducing someone. I'll often remember the item or person's name ten or 15 minutes later. I am also selective. For some reason I can never remember "drawer" when I need it and will tell my husband to go into the third cupboard down to get something. I have a fairly good facial recognition, though I will not remember a person's name or where I know them from or why. Oddly, there are a few names and faces that I can always remember. After eight years in a retail establishment, I knew perhaps six names of constant customers and remembered many faces, though I would not know that they were just in the store 20 minutes ago and came back for something. I never did learn our telephone number.

Though I love history, I could never ace a history test in school because, for example, while I can still tell you volumes about the social, political, economic and industrial forces that contributed to the Civil War...I don't know what years it was fought or the names of most of the battlefields and Generals. Though I do know that it was four years long and went from April to April, because I remember the name of a book, "Across Four Aprils." I can usually remember the name of a book, but will not remember the author. If I see a name in a list, I can almost always recognize it.

My problems beegan in my early fifties. At first I described it as not remembering direct objects, because I could not remember names art the end of a sentance. My doctor sent me to a neurological group in Peoria, IL. They did a test where they ran a substance from my groin to my brain. They concluded saying I did have some lesions in my brain. They thought it might have been related to severe migraine during my child bearing years. I learned to substitute the word (because I knew before I got to the end of the sentance,i would not remember) or add a description. After a year orso this seemed to ease up. I am now eighty five and it has returned the last several years, but a more prevalent version. It happens more frequently. And often it can be the same word. I have made a point I'd memorizing these words, and it works for a while, but then the loss returns, I have no cognitive problems. I live alone, and I am concerned about it leading to Alzheimer's. I want to continue to be independent. Is there anything I can do to improve this condition?

It is a comfort to know that there are others out there that have experienced this actor actress name problem. I had the same problem with Bands and songs names. When I was a teenager I felt like I was dumb. I felt like I was different (dumber) than my friends in some way and it was really annoying never knowing the name of any song I liked or the name of a singing group. Even now I don't even know if I could name 5 song names that I really like. I felt plain deficient and I think my parents just thought I was not very bright and treated me not very seriously. I came to know I had smarts in other areas and grew confident in that. But i did feel a kind of deficiency until finding this website. What a freedom it is to realize that it's not a sign of a low IQ. I can't tell you how glad I am that someone wrote this article ( it's quite well done with good references) and almost better is the fact that readers have shared. I may have had a small stroke 30 years ago but the neurologist couldn't detect it. Some things like my spelling and ability to formulate sentences became by comparison laborious. I had to check and double check and writing anything took me forever. The occurrence was definitely stroke-like, weird thing in front of my eye that blocked my vision etc other things I don't remember now. The internal med doctor said I'm so quick I have the brain of a 20-year-old and I'm 60 so I have some good brain cells. The only problem with nominal aphasia is that when I tell some people, ( in the hopes they won't think i'm just stupid) they make light of it like people often do with ADHD. "Oh ya, I have that." they say, even though just like this article and blog indicates, there are such clear differences. My husband who is a doctor, and had recently started getting annoyed at my inability to articulate sounded like he believed what I told him about the article then the next time we were in a group, he's is like everyone else saying OH YA I have that too. I came back here to be among people who understand. 5376163bf9

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