Gravity Sagas: Theoretical High Energy Physics Conference in Reykjavík, Iceland
From Tuesday 30th of May to Friday 2nd of June 2023

(scroll down for conference photo)


In recent years, quantum information concepts such as entanglement entropy have offered an intriguing point of view of how semiclassical radiation encoded information in black holes and even in cosmological spacetimes, allowing us to learn about the quantum nature of gravity. At the same time, novel developments in holography and non-Lorentzian geometry both provide us with new perspectives on gravitational systems as well.

Through the gravity sagas of speakers, this conference aims to provide an overview of new and exciting developments in the aforementioned topics.

Caption: Conference photo group photo above, conference hike photo below (another might be uploaded later once I retrace who has it on their phone).

Main organizer: Zhao-He Watse Sybesma, watse 'at'

This conference acknowledges generous support from the School of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Physical Sciences from the University of Iceland.