Gratuitous Space Battles is a video game developed by the UK-based company Positech Games. It was released on November 17, 2009. On one level the title is a space warfare simulation consisting of a number of engagements between two opposing fleets of ships. While sometimes assumed to be a real-time strategy (RTS) game based on screenshots, actual gameplay focuses on the setup prior to the battle, making it play more like a tower defense game.[1]

A custom made game engine was produced for the 2D game. Gratuitous Space Battles generally received favourable reviews upon release. Most reviews praised the detailed graphics with some finding the gameplay a little confusing, at least initially.

Gratuitous Space Battles Download


As the title suggests, there is no plot per se; the battles are entirely gratuitous. The player is presented with a number of skirmish scenarios in various space locations. Missions are not linked with any particular narrative, nor are there any briefings, debriefings, or scripted sequences: the battles are purely gratuitous.[2]

Gratuitous Space Battles challenges players with defeating opposing space fleets through careful pre-battle planning. For each skirmish or engagement, the player has a fixed budget and a maximum number of ships (pilots), as well as various other limitations or rules which influence the outcome of the battle. For example, a given environment may reduce the effectiveness of ship shields, or may reduce weapon ranges. Players must take this information into account when selecting and positioning the ships that form their own fleet. Once players have selected their ships and issued orders to the ships concerning how to engage the enemy fleet, the battle begins.

The battle itself proceeds completely without human interaction, with the outcome being determined entirely based on the initial configuration, rather than on player reflexes or mid-battle decisions.[3] Players are only able to move the camera and speed up the gameplay to four times the normal speed.[4] Customized fleets can be shared online for others to play with.[2][5]

Gratuitous Space Battles encourages players to win battles using as few resources as possible by awarding honor for any unspent funds. That is, for each point of budgetary allocation which a player could have spent but did not, a point of honor is awarded upon victory. The game tracks the maximum honor previously awarded per battle at each difficulty level, so players can continue to earn more only by beating their previous best. After amassing a sufficient quantity of honor, it can then be traded (spent) to unlock new ship modules, new ship hull configurations, and new playable alien races.[4]

As Gratuitous Space Battles consists solely of combat in space (foregoing any of the other elements of a traditional 4X game), it gives players a great deal of flexibility in how ships are designed. For a given playable race, players have a number of hull configurations from which to choose, made up of three different sizes of ships (fighters, frigates, and cruisers). Different ship hulls have different numbers of mounting points for modules and weapons, as well as having various inherent characteristics (in the form of overall bonuses in specific areas). Shield generators, crew quarters, and reactors to power the ship are also able to be placed.[5] Players must balance ship cost, weight, speed, power, crew, and offense/defense capabilities in deciding what combat role a given spacecraft will fulfill.

Gratuitous Space Battles began as a "dictator simulation" in late 2008 when Cliff "Cliffski" Harris was starting on his next game after Kudos 2. After only several weeks of work on the initial concept of a "Virtual Saddam" game, the title went in an entirely different direction and instead became a space strategy game.[6]

As with many indie video game projects, development cost was a significant issue. After an initial experiment spending several hundred dollars to purchase stock spaceship models, Harris eventually solicited quotes from 3 different artists and selected the most expensive one. The user interface was constructed by Chris Hildenbrand, a UI expert, leaving Harris to do his own special effect and user module graphics.[6]

To maximize performance and minimize texture swapping, the graphics engine was an entirely new DirectX 9 engine that was custom-developed for the game. It includes a variety of special case code to deal with the requirements of rendering ship and weapon graphics during battles.[6]

The Eurogamer review noted that initially the choices faced by a player can be bewildering.[7] Although there are tutorials, gameplay was far from intuitive. Eurogamer also thought the graphics were beautiful and that after a while the element of surprise tactics was missing. A GamesRadar review described it as a fleet-management game and felt it was suited for players that liked to tinker.[8] The reviewer felt that the shipbuilding part of the game needed more clarification and that the battles can leave a player confused as to what worked and what didn't.

GamesTunnel described the graphics as spectacular and enjoyed the ability to zoom in on the action as well as the music.[10] A DIYGamer reviewer thought the fight sounds could become annoying and that while the battle graphics were very good, the menus were unpolished.[4] A Destructoid review appreciated the "precisely detailed ships" as well as the humour. The reviewer also drew attention to a lack of balance in single-player missions when only deploying masses of the large cruiser ships.[2] A review at Jay Is Games described the game as "an excellent, deep, seriously fun space battle game" which was an "extremely tactical experience".[5]

GSB is the ultimate space strategy game from UK indie developer Positech Games. It's a strategy / management / simulation game that does away with all the base building and delays and gets straight to the meat and potatoes of science-fiction games : The big space battles fought by huge spaceships with tons of laser beams and things going 'zap!', 'ka-boom!' and 'ka-pow!'. In GSB you put your ships together from modular components, arrange them into fleets, give your ships orders of engagement and then hope they emerge victorious from battle (or at least blow to bits in aesthetically pleasing ways).

Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that i just found in the playstore a pretty awesome (and very new, its community is just starting to grow) game wich i love to play.

Didnt knew why i liked it so much until Gratuitous Space Battle poped out my mind, its pretty much the same game mechanics style, with a plus, a 2d hack and slash style space battles mode.

Brian Rubin: Hello! First off, for those who might not know you, could you please introduce yourself and give us some of your background in gaming, as well as the founding of Positech Games, please?

Cliff Harris: Sure, My real name is Cliff Harris, although people generally call me cliffski. Ive been coding games on and off since I first got a ZX81 computer aged 11, but worked in all kinds of crazy jobs before I ended up in the mainstream industry for about 5 years, at Elixir and then Lionhead. I was making my indie PC games in my spare time for quite a while before I finally quit to do it full time about 6 or seven years ago.

Cliff: I was actually working on an RTS/strategy dictator-simulation game, sort of like a more serious and heavy version of tropic. When I started working on the maps and units for that, it somehow just morphed in front of my eyes into a space strategy game. Ive always loved space battles, and am a huge Star Wars and Star trek Geek, so it was kind of automatic for me to make a space game.

The idea of hands-off battles was basically a reaction to frustration with the actual reality of most big RTS battles, which is total chaos where you know you *should* be on top of it all, but especially as you get older, you realize you just cant be. I wanted to design a game that accepted, and even embraced that as a design concept.

Cliff: Oh a huge amount. The first game was very basic. I added a totally revamped system for looking at post-battle stats, I added a whole bunch of AI improvements and performance boosts. A lot of GUI stuff was improved, such as a way to really easily compare all of the modules against each other for any given statistic, there were a lot of tweaks to the ship design screen to make it more intuitive. In total there were 62 patches to the game, and each one added or improved or tweaked a whole bunch of things. I also vastly improved the mod support for the game, because modding it became incredibly popular.

Balancing GSB is pretty hard, but fortunately it has a bunch of very hardcore modders and players who represent a great sounding board for bouncing ideas off. With the outcasts DLC, I actually posted the ship and module stats on my forums, and let the hardcore players rip into them and suggest improvements and tweaks to them, which I think worked extremely well.

Brian: Speaking of the races, they all have really great AI. Even when I used direct control for my ships, I am still getting slaughtered (one of the other things that twinged my lack of patience early on). ;) How do you craft the AI of the various ships to be as intelligent and cunning as it is?

Brian: One thing I do love about the game is the amount of detail on the ships when you zoom in. The turrets turning and firing, the battle damage and so on. Could you please explain how you created the engine for GSB that handles all of this detail and yet still has such as smooth frame rate?

Cliff: Yes, that was pretty hard. If you want to make a 3D game, its really easy in some ways, because you buy a Unity or Unreal license, depending on your budget. If you buy a 2D engine, they assume you arte making some simple puzzle game and dont need to care about frame rates or vast numbers of particles and polys. As a result of that, Ive always had to code my own engine from scratch. 152ee80cbc

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