About the author Paul Dupont

Discover the story of Paul Dupont: his unhappy childhood which prompted him to dedicate his life to helping people who wish to grow taller and increase their height naturally.

Paul Dupont

During all of my college and high school years, I was always the smallest kid in my class. I still remember the look of girls on me, it traumatized me! When it was necessary to line up in pairs, no one wanted to line up with " the dwarf of the class ". I suffered from it for years and this is what subconsciously dictated my interest in the natural sciences and growth.

After the BAC, I move towards university studies where I obtain a diploma specializing in endocrinology and growth for which I publish a thesis entitled “Natural endocrinological solutions to increase growth: from adolescence to adulthood”. After helping hundreds of patients in my practice in Paris, I decided to write the book “ Growing Up Quicker in Size, the Scientific Method ” which contains my simple step-by-step action plan to follow in order to grow taller. naturally.