Graduate Classics Caucus

About Us

The Graduate Classics Caucus (GCC) is an organization created by classics graduate students for classics graduate students. We are working on becoming affiliated with the Society for Classical Studies. In the meantime, our goal is to create a network of classics graduate students across North America in order to facilitate communication between programs. We hope to get a liaison at each university that has a classics (broadly defined) department. In addition, we have regional divisions which will host 'local' events such as no-stress practice talks and more. For more information, go to your regional page to be put in contact with your regional representative:

Mission Statement

Coming soon!


Steering Committee

  • Fae Amiro, McMaster University (, Canada Regional Representative

  • Charlotte Hunt, Cornell University (, Northeast Regional Representative

  • Tori Lee, Duke University (, South and Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative

  • Ashley Weed, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (, Midwest Regional Representative

  • Joshua Zacks, University of Washington (, Pacific Regional Representative

Advisory Board

  • Christopher L. Gipson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (, Co-Chair, SCS Graduate Student Committee

  • Del A. Maticic, New York University (, Member-at-Large, SCS Board of Directors