
This is the homepage for the Graduate Student Colloquium (GSC) at the University of Arkansas' Department of Mathematical Sciences. Our mission is to facilitate cross-disciplinary talks in the Department of Mathematical Sciences between students and professors. 

We are here to support graduate students at all levels in the department including, but not limited to, holding Oral Exam preparation talks, Job Talks, Conference Practice talks, and helping students at any level receive an introductory talk to a topic they are interested in.

We hope to see you Wednesdays at 4:00 PM in SCEN 322 or by Zoom! 

Contact for questions or if you are interetested in giving a talk:

Kailey Perry , President.  "kbearlyw  [at] uark [dot] edu" 

Caroline Semmens, Vice President. "csemmens  [at] uark [dot] edu" 

Emily Freeman, Online Manager. "egf005  [at] uark [dot] edu" 

Aiden McCue, Treasurer. "ajmccue [at] uark [dot] edu"