Citizen science is a term that describes projects in which volunteers partner with scientists to answerreal-world questions. These volunteers can work with scientists to identify research questions, collectand analyze data, interpret results, make new discoveries, develop technologies and applications, aswell as solve complex problems.

In my first year, I failed to hand a history assignment in on time as I had underestimated how long it would take to complete the project. I got carried away with the gathering of information and left the write-up to the last minute. I lost marks on my final grade, but fortunately still managed to pass the year. This has never happened since, as I've made a point of allocating sufficient time to each task. I certainly learned a valuable lesson from the experience.

Grade 8 Lo Project Term 3 Answers Pdf Download

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Reforms could include public investment projects focused on boosting climate-smart technologies or helping adaptation (e.g. irrigation); drafting a medium-term climate plan; or financing additional climate spending with green bonds. The inclusion of specific reforms as conditionality will depend on the criticality of the reforms for achieving the goals of the program, taking into account the circumstances of the member.

Research on the effects of redshirting has shown mixed results. It is difficult to establish a direct link between being redshirted and doing well or poorly in kindergarten and beyond. Studies indicate that children who are redshirted may show a short-term gain in academic skills, but these early advantages may decrease as children move through the elementary grades (Sands, Monda-Amaya, & Meadan, 2021).

No list of 4th grade science projects would be complete without crystals! Kids of all ages love growing crystals, making this an ideal way to learn about supersaturated solutions. The classic experiment gets a new twist when you have kids shape pipe cleaners into their own names first.

Adding items like salt or sugar to water changes its density, as does the temperature itself. Turn this into a 4th grade science fair project by experimenting with different solutions and forming hypotheses about the results.

They hear it from their parents all the time, but this experiment will prove to your students once and for all what can happen to their teeth when exposed to different drinks such as soda and milk. This is one of those classic 4th grade science fair projects every kid should try.

This project-based learning assessment starts by choosing a pizza chain, researching its prices and applying linear algebra concepts to find the base cost of a pizza. These same concepts will allow students to determine how much each additional topping costs.

To help communicate the broad understanding of the Montreal Protocol, ODSs, and ozone depletion, as well as the relationship of these topics to GHGs and global warming, this component of the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022 report describes the state of this science with 20 illustrated questions and answers. The questions and answers address the nature of atmospheric ozone, the chemicals that cause ozone depletion, how global and polar ozone depletion occur, the extent of ozone depletion, the success of the Montreal Protocol, the possible future of the ozone layer, and the protection against climate change now provided by the Kigali Amendment. Computer model projections show that GHGs such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) will have a growing influence on global ozone in the coming decades, and in some cases may exceed the influence of ODSs on ozone by the middle of this century, given the expected future decline in the atmospheric abundance of ODSs.

The Montreal Protocol and its amendments and adjustments have been very successful in reducing the atmospheric abundances of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs). ODSs are halogen source gases released by human activities whose production and consumption are now controlled by the Montreal Protocol (see Q14). The success of the Montreal Protocol controls is documented by (1) observed changes and future projections of the atmospheric abundances of the principal ODSs and (2) the long-term decrease in equivalent effective stratospheric chlorine (EESC).

Individual ODS reductions. The reduction in the atmospheric abundance of an ODS in response to controls on production and consumption depends principally on how rapidly this ODS is used and released to the atmosphere after being produced, as well as the atmospheric lifetime of the ODS (see Table Q6-1). For example, the abundances of ODSs with short lifetimes, such as methyl chloroform, respond quickly to emission reductions. In contrast, the abundances of ODSs with long lifetimes such as CFC-11 and CFC-12 respond slowly to emission reductions. Estimates of longterm changes in the atmospheric abundances of ODSs are based upon: (1) their measured abundances in air trapped for years within accumulated snow in polar regions, (2) observed atmospheric abundances using ground-based measurements, (3) projections of future abundances based on estimated future demand and compliance with Montreal Protocol provisions for the production and consumption of ODSs, and (4) emissions from ODS banks. The term bank refers to the total amounts of ODSs contained in existing equipment, chemical stockpiles, foams, and other products that have not yet been released to the atmosphere. The destruction of ODSs in banks prevents the eventual release of these compounds into the atmosphere. The long-term changes of the atmospheric abundances of individual ODSs and the natural chlorine and bromine source gases, methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and methyl bromide (CH3Br), assuming compliance with the Montreal Protocol, are shown in Figure Q15-1. Key aspects of families of ODSs shown in this figure are:

Increasing the benefits of the Montreal Protocol. The benefit of the Montreal Protocol for protection of climate was expanded in 2016 through the Kigali Amendment, which placed controls on the production and consumption of some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (see Q19). HFC compounds do not contain chlorine or bromine, and therefore do not deplete ozone. Many HFC gases have a high radiative efficiency and a long atmosphere lifetime, which leads to significant global warming (see Figure Q19-2). The ozone layer and climate benefits of the Montreal Protocol could be further increased by expanded capture and destruction of halons, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) in banks, by avoiding emissions in continued use of ODSs as feedstock for the production of other chemicals, and by eliminating future emissions of halogen source gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, such as dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). Banks are largely associated with ODSs contained in refrigeration, air conditioning, fire protection equipment, insulating foams, and stockpiles for servicing long-term applications. Atmospheric release of ODSs from existing banks is projected to contribute more to ozone depletion in the coming decades than the limited production and consumption of ODSs (HCFCs and CH3Br) allowed by the Montreal Protocol after 2023. If all available options were implemented to avoid future atmospheric release of ODSs starting in 2023, the return of EESC to 1980 values would be advanced by about a decade for both the midlatitude (see Fig Q14-1) and polar stratosphere.

Climate implications of HFC use. The total global emission of HFCs expressed in terms of CO2-equivalent emissions has grown steadily since 2000, equaling about 1 gigatonne CO2-equivalent per year in 2020 (see Figure Q19-1). The primary emissions of HFCs are of HFC-134a as well as HFC-143a, HFC-125 and HFC-32, which are widely used in blended refrigerants such as R404A (52% HFC-143a, 44% HFC-125, and 4% HFC-134a) and R410A (50% HFC-32, 50% HFC-125). Recent growth in the consumption (and emissions) of HFCs is due in part to replacing HCFCs that are being phased out under the Montreal Protocol with HFCs. In 2019, the atmospheric abundances of HFCs contributed about 10% of climate forcing from all halocarbon compounds (see Figure Q17-2) and less than 1% of the total climate forcing from all other long-lived greenhouse gases (see Figure Q17-1). Projections based on current production and consumption patterns and future economic growth indicate that, without the Kigali Amendment, HFC emissions could have reached around 5 gigatonnes CO2-equivalent per year by 2050 and nearly double that value by 2100 (see Figure Q19-1). This projected emission value for 2050 is about one half of the peak in CO2-equivalent emissions of ODSs in 1987 (see Figure Q18-1). Thus, in the absence of the Kigali Amendment, the projected growth in HFC emissions in the coming decades offsets a significant amount of the climate protection gained from reductions in ODS emissions under the Montreal Protocol.

Figure Q19-1. HFC emissions and the Kigali Amendment. The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol limits the production and consumption of a group of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with high global warming potentials (GWPs). HFCs are considered replacement compounds for ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) because HFCs lack chlorine and bromine, and therefore pose no direct threat to the ozone layer. Avoiding substantial emissions of high-GWP HFCs through the implementation of the Kigali Amendment will increase future climate protection. HFCs have a wide range of GWPs given their different physical and chemical properties (see Table Q6-1 and Figure Q17-3). The panels show emissions of widely used high-GWP HFCs. The emissions are weighted by the 100-yr GWP of each compound; with this weighting, emissions are expressed as CO2-equivalent mass per year. In the left panel, emissions are based upon an analysis of atmospheric observations up to 2013 and projections to 2100 that represent an upper range to future global emissions in the absence of the Kigali Amendment and national regulations. The right panel shows GWP-weighted emissions based on atmospheric observations up to 2020 as well as projections to 2100, again assuming international compliance with the provisions of the Kigali Amendment. The projections in the right panel include a category termed low-GWP alternatives that is comprised of refrigerant compounds that have GWPs much lower than the refrigerants they replace. Low-GWP alternatives include a subset of HFCs known as hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), which are also composed only of hydrogen, fluorine and carbon atoms. The chemical structure of HFOs results in these compounds being more reactive in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) than other HFCs and, consequently, HFOs have shorter lifetimes after atmospheric release (see Table Q6-1). As a result, emissions of HFOs cause substantially lower radiative forcing than emissions of the same mass of high-GWP HFCs. 17dc91bb1f

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