Hello everybody, I have been searching on the internet for elementary school textbooks used in Japan as part of their Japanese language courses, but can't find anything satisfactory. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I was looking for 1st/2nd year elementary workbooks. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: If anybody wants to get a feel of what I mean, a good example is my old (native) language textbook from high school. It doesn't have conversations and listening/vocabulary like so many books that cater to people learning a foreign language, but a section on nouns, one on verbs and conjugation, one on articles and adjectives, one on prepositions and clauses etc. Obviously it's a bit advanced for a beginner, but I hope this clarifies what I'm looking for. A link to a comparable text for english : -Grammar-English-Language-General/dp/0582517346 (but obviously for elementary school students).

Grade 12 Japanese Textbook Pdf Download

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This is the third of a 6 volume series of stories designed to be read smoothly in 10 minutes. These books are unique in that each contains a collection of both old and modern tales, many penned by major contemporary authors in Japan. All books in this series are illustrated by Yoshiyuki Momose, one of the animators for Mononoke Hime and Studio Ghibli.

'Stories You Can Read Smoothly Grade 3' contains nine stories aimed at Japanese elementary 3rd graders with short quiz questions to check your reading. The stories contain furigana for difficult kanji and explanations for some words in Japanese. If you are a Japanese student looking for short, interesting reading passages to hone your Japanese comprehension, we highly recommend these books.

This is a book written for Japanese elementary school students in grades 1 and 2. The text is in polite Japanese, i.e. the sort of Japanese you learn in a textbook. It uses a lot of the common kanji found in the early Wanikani levels. All the kanji have furigana. Words which use kanji not learned until later school years will be written in hiragana alone.

Probability is a difficult concept, which is not always taught accurately. This study aims to clarify how experimental and theoretical probabilities are taught in Japanese 7th and 8th grades through a textbook analysis. We analyzed seven, government approved Japanese 7th and 8th grade textbooks each. Focusing on the definition and explanation of experimental and theoretical probabilities and the law of large numbers, we identified eight discrete perspectives. Findings revealed that, first, some textbooks aim to teach students to distinguish between experimental and theoretical probabilities, whereas others aim to teach students to be aware of the connection between the two. Second, after explaining theoretical probability, some textbooks asked questions to clarify the scope of theoretical probability, aiming to teach students to distinguish between the two probabilities. Third, in explaining the law of large numbers, textbooks do not adopt the perspective that experimental probability converges on true probability, but that it converges on theoretical probability.

Ishibashi, Ippo. "Analyzing experimental and theoretical probabilities in Japanese 7th and 8th grade textbooks". International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 2022 17 no. 3 (2022): em0690.

Ishibashi, Ippo "Analyzing experimental and theoretical probabilities in Japanese 7th and 8th grade textbooks". International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, vol. 17, no. 3, 2022, em0690.

Japanese history textbook controversies involve controversial content in government-approved history textbooks used in the secondary education (junior high schools and high schools) of Japan. The controversies primarily concern the nationalist right efforts to whitewash the actions of the Empire of Japan during World War II.[1][2]

Another serious issue is the constitutionality of the governmentally-approved textbook depictions of World War II, Japanese war crimes, and Japanese imperialism during the first half of the 20th century. The history textbook controversies have been an issue of deep concern both domestically and internationally, particularly in countries that were victims of Imperial Japan during the war.

Despite the efforts of the nationalist textbook reformers, by the late 1990s the most common Japanese schoolbooks contained references to, for instance, the Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731, and the comfort women of World War II,[2] all historical issues which have faced challenges from ultranationalists in the past.[3] The most recent of the controversial textbooks, the New History Textbook, published in 2000, which significantly downplays Japanese aggression, was shunned by nearly all of Japan's school districts.[2]

Defenders of the system counter that a book that fails to mention specific negative facts regarding the aggression and atrocities committed by Japan during World War II would also fail the Ministry of Education's approval process. During the approval process for the aforementioned history textbook by the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, the author was ordered to revise the book's content several times before receiving final approval. Moreover, during the Cold War, the Ministry rejected textbooks by left-leaning publishers which attempted to portray the Soviet Union, Mainland China, North Korea, and other Communist countries in a positive light. Defenders also point out that during the 1960s and 1970s, the extent of the atrocities, as well as the existence of many of the incidents, were still being debated by Japanese historians; therefore, the Ministry of Education was correct in rejecting references to specific atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre during that era, but the Ministry finally insisted on the inclusion of those same incidents after Japanese historians had finally reached consensus during the 1990s. They also point out that, North and South Korea, as well as China, which happen to be the most outspoken critics of the Japanese textbook approval process, do not allow private publishing companies to write history textbooks for their schools. Instead, the governments of those countries write a single history textbook for all of their schools. In the case of South Korea, the government strictly examines textbooks from different companies before being publicized. Critics of Chinese and Korean textbooks also argue that the textbooks of those countries are far more politically censored and self-favoring than Japanese textbooks.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

Today there are 30 unique textbooks for Social Studies (, Shakai), from 5 different publishers, in Japanese primary schools. Additionally, there are 8 unique textbooks for the study of history as part of the Japanese Social Studies curriculum (-, Shakai-Rekishi teki bunya), from 8 different publishers, for junior high schools. In Japanese high schools, the number of available options is much greater, with 50 unique textbook editions available for teaching Japanese, and world history.[citation needed]

Tokushi Kasahara identifies three time periods in postwar Japan during which he asserts the Japanese government has "waged critical challenges to historytextbooks in attempts to tone down or delete descriptions of Japan's wartime aggression, especially atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre." The first challenge occurred in 1955, and thesecond took place in the early 1980s. The third began in 1997 and continues unresolved to this day.[10]

At the general election of February 1955, the Japan Democratic Party proposed an idea that while editing of school textbooks might be left to the private sector, the government ought to supervise them and limit the kinds of textbooks to about two for each subject by tightening the authorization, so that the textbooks in effect would be equivalent to government-designated textbooks.

In addition, from August to October of the same year, the Japan Democratic Party published three volumes of booklets entitled "Ureubeki Kykasho" (, deplorable textbooks). The first volume listed four types of bias as "examples of biased education that appeared in textbooks":

The Japan Democratic Party condemned these textbooks as biased "red textbooks" (). In response to this, the authors and editors of the listed textbooks made various public statements and protest notes. However, the Japan Democratic Party did not reply. Since this incident a greater number of textbooks had been rejected as being biased ().

The changes resulted in one-third of pre-existing textbooks being banned from Japanese schools. The Ministry of Education required that new textbooks avoid criticism of Japanese involvement in the Pacific War, and avoid mention of the Japanese invasion of China and involvement in the Second Sino-Japanese War at all.[11]

Saburo Ienaga was a Japanese historian known partly for his involvement in controversies regarding school history textbooks. In 1953, the Japanese Ministry of Education published a textbook by Ienaga but censored what they said were factual errors and matters of opinion, regarding Japanese war crimes. Ienaga undertook a series of lawsuits against the Ministry for violation of his freedom of speech. He was nominated for the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize by Noam Chomsky among others.[12][13]

In 2000, Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, a group of conservative scholars, published the New History Textbook (Atarashii Rekishi Kyokasho, ), which was intended to promote a revised view of Japan. The textbook downplays or whitewashes the nature of Japan's military aggression in the First Sino-Japanese War, Japan's annexation of Korea in 1910, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and in World War II. The textbook was approved by the Ministry of Education in 2001, and caused a huge controversy in Japan, China and Korea. A large number of Japanese historians and educators protested against the content of New History Textbook and its treatment of Japanese wartime activities. China Radio International reported that the PRC government and people were "strongly indignant about and dissatisfied with the new Japanese history textbook for the year 2002 compiled by right-wing Japanese scholars".[16] e24fc04721

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