Can log to GPX, KML, CSV, NMEA and CSV formats. Can also log to a custom URL or just the screen.

Logs GPX points as tracks and track segments

Also logs speed, direction and altitude if available

Add a description to a point using the annotate menu, gets added as a waypoint

Configure time intervals between points

Configure a minimum distance filter between points or an accuracy filter

Notification icon with coordinates and quick actions

Uses cell towers for location when GPS is disabled

Selectively choose network, gps and passive location providers

Automatically upload or email the file at set intervals to destinations such as Email, FTP, SFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, Custom URL, OpenStreetMap, ownCloud, OpenGTS.

Share location or log files via SMS/Email (and other apps such as Facebook or Twitter depending on what you've got installed)

Start logging on phone bootup

Invoke operations from Tasker or other automation apps.

You can give it a preset file with your own values for distribution

Multiple profiles with different settings are possible

New location - if you are at a new location after a long flight, the GPS on your phone can take a while to reorient itself. Try running GPSLogger at high frequency until it does find a location.

Gpslogger For Android Download

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It all comes down to your hardware, settings and environment. The accuracy is only as good as your phone's GPS chip. Some phones may have 4 meter accuracies, some have 500 meters. Also, using GPS satellites will give you better accuracy but take a longer time; using network location will give worse accuracy but is quicker. You may also want to check your environment, as there can be inaccuracy due to clouds, buildings, sunspots, alien invasion, etc.

On Android 6+ (Marshmallow), a new feature called doze mode was introduced, which severely restricts activity on the device after certain periods of inactivity. Be sure to grant the app permission to run in the background by disabling battery optimization. If you aren't sure, or if you've denied this permission you can disable battery optimization for GPSLogger manually which does not bypass doze mode but occasionally provides logging windows in which to work. It will not make a great difference though, doze mode is quite aggressive.

Many vendors are also known to introduce their own additional poorly written but aggressive battery optimization mechanisms. App developers don't have a way of detecting or working around these, and unfortunately the apps receive all the blame. You can see some partial workarounds on the Don't Kill My App site

The accuracy was below your Accuracy filter settings, or the distance was below your Distance filter settings, so GPSLogger didn't log it. You can try setting a retry interval in which GPSLogger can wait for a matching accurate point to show up and then use it. Or you can allow for slightly more inaccurate fixes - your mileage may vary as every phone is different in terms of how accurate a fix it can get on a regular basis.

Note that GPSLogger can only write to its application folders. Download and DCIM may be writeable, the app will warn you if it is not writeable. File explorers are able to write to any location but they make use of a special media hack which this app cannot rely on.

If the app is logging, and you make changes to the settings, the changes will take effect after the next point is logged. This means that if you've set your interval as 1 hour, you have a long wait ahead of you. If you want the changes to take effect immediately, then stop logging and start it again so that the changes are refreshed.

Log passive locations - Logs points from other apps, is subject to some restrictions. It will log GPS/network points if those were selected above. It may bypass other filters such as time, distance, and retry duration.

Distance filter - When a point becomes available, the app will check to ensure that this much distance exists between the previous and current points. If it isn't this distance, the point is discarded.

Accuracy filter - When a point becomes available, the app will check to ensure that this point has a minimum accuracy specified. If it does not match the specified accuracy, the point is discarded. This is useful if you are inside a building for a while.

Duration to match accuracy - When searching for a point, the app can continue searching for this many seconds until it finds a point that meets the accuracy and distance filter criteria above.

Choose best accuracy in duration - After matching a point with the desired accuracy, the app will continue searching for the 'duration to match accuracy' and pick the point with the best accuracy. This is useful if you are in a location where GPS accuracy is poor, and don't need the location point immediately.

Absolute timeout - When searching for a point and trying over and over, the app will give up when this timeout is reached. This is useful for when you're inside buildings, GPS tends to keep searching and finding nothing.

Keep GPS on between fixes - Normally, the app stops using GPS between points, to save battery. This means when it's time to log the next point, the GPS needs to be 'woken up' again and this takes a little time. Keeping GPS on between fixes causes this 'wake up' time to be reduced.

It's how the Android OS has implemented its GPS system. When you say you want a point every 60 seconds (for example), that's actually a suggestion rather than an imperative, and so the time interval between GPS points is never guaranteed. GPSLogger has logic that checks the time difference, though, and will make sure that at least 60 seconds have passed before logging again. It is not meant for sub-second logging, as that will require aggressive wakelocks.

As of newer versions of Android, removing the notification will cause the service to be killed. As a result, the notification now needs to stay there. You may have seen a recent increase in the number of apps that need to sit in the notification bar for the same reason - to perform background services without being killed.

It's meant to be more battery efficient. A lot of other apps, such as OpenTracks, usually go with the assumption that you have a data connection available and your routes won't be very long. They use CPU wakelocks and log points extremely frequently with high accuracy. The aim of GPSLogger is to log points and stay quiet.

The Custom URL feature allows you to log GPS points to a public URL. This can be a third party API that accepts GET requests, or an application that you've written and are hosting on your own server, a webhook, a third party API, an AWS Lambda, anything like that.

Tap the Parameters to see a list of available parameters that you can use, including %TIME, %SAT, %ACC, etc. Adding the %ALL string will simply get substituted by all available parameters with values, if available.

If your phone goes offline, then the app will queue these requests until a data connection becomes available. This behavior can be changed with the 'Discard offline locations' toggle.

The 'Allow auto sending' toggle will also enable CSV logging out of necessity, and this feature will then make many requests to the Custom URL, one for each line in the recorded CSV. It does this at the auto-send interval which is by default 60 minutes. If you are writing these points to a database for example, it is your responsibility to 'deduplicate' when receiving these requests, for that reason it's a good idea to send a timestamp along.

The 'Discard offline locations' toggle will disable queueing the log requests while the phone is offline. It will always only keep the request with most recent location. This prevents sending many requests when the phone becomes online after a long period of time. You can enable this toggle if you are interested only in the most recent location. The auto sending feature is not affected by this toggle.

A common use case is to geotag photos. Many cameras, especially SLRs, don't have built-in GPS. After a day (or days) out of photography, you may have hundreds of photos that need to be geotagged so that their locations can appear properly when used elsewhere.

There are of course other uses of the produced files, these are a few I've seen over the years; it's usually a combination of a log file produced from GPSLogger with a secondary software to process the files.

Profiles are basically different settings, grouped under a name. For example you can have a night profile and a trekking profile with different logging frequencies, and switch between the two when you need to.

Tap the profile header and then "Add profile" to create a new profile. The new profile will have the same settings as the one you're currently on. You can then modify a few settings and those should be specific to your new profile.

Tap the profile header and then "Save" - this will save your current settings to a .properties file in your current GPSLogger directory. The file is named after your profile name. For example, a profile named xyz after being saved will result in

For example, in the file you can put accuracy_before_logging=42 and that will reset the Accuracy Filter to 42 meters each time the application starts. There are many properties that can be applied and you can glean a full list here.

You can also load a profile in GPSLogger by clicking a link on a web page. This is also an easy way to provide your users or yourself with a preset profile - all they need to do is click a link on a page, no typing or pasting.

To load the profile from the app, press the 'Default Profile', which switches to the profile menu, then choose 'From URL'. In the dialog, give the URL of a properties file. GPSLogger will attempt to download the file, switch to it as a profile and apply the properties.

If you create a file in the GPSLogger default folder or specifically at /sdcard/, then GPSLogger will read this file each time it loads and apply those settings to the application, overriding whatever settings you have currently. 152ee80cbc

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