GPPU school 2023

updated on Oct. 20

Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GPPU) at Tohoku University is an educational program for graduate students who will lead international projects and play an active part in their global employability. [ ]

As a part of the educational program, we are organizing a school, GPPU school, held in Sep.26-29, 2023. The location is within Aobayama-campus:

Lect. room 1, Room 203, Science Complex A, H02 (hybrid) on Sep. 26, 27, and 29.

(Room 303 is also open; you can have discussions and charge the battery of laptops.)

Lecture Room 1, Mechanical Engeering, A02 (hybrid) on Sep. 28.

Link to the map:

The school covers topics including elementary particle, astro-, and nuclear physics. 

The school consists of plenary and student sessions. In the plenary sessions world experts give overview on fundamental problems in the contemporary physics. In the student session, selected GPPU students in the Ph.D. course give talks arranged for wide audiences. There is also a poster session given by master and Ph.D. students. 

Students are strongly encouraged to ask questions during and after the talk: instead of having too many talks, the time is reserved for discussions. 

The condition to get credits and GPPU points

The school will be held in a hybrid format. The zoom link is

Speakers basically use zoom for their presentations by sharing their screens. Please register before your talk.

About Wifi:

The only available wifi is "eduroam". If you are a speaker but do not have an account, please send the slides to <toru.kojo.b1[at]> or give it to the organizer using a USB.

The links to abstracts, slides, and sheets for vote can be found in "Program". 

To speakers:

Please submit your slides one day before your talk. (A tentative one is ok if your slides are not finalized.)

Invited keynote speakers (7 plenary sessions)

Gordon Baym (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Nuclear Theory: "The Golden Age of Neutron Stars"

Shinya Wanajo (Max-Planck institute, Potsdam, Germany)  

Astrophysics: "Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Mergers and Kilonovae"

Benjamin Doenigus (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany) 

Nuclear experiment: "Measurement of hypernuclei and hyperon interactions at the LHC"

Randolf Pohl (Mainz University, Germany) 

Nuclear experiment: "Precision Nuclear Physics for Light Nucleii"

Atsuko Ichikawa (Tohoku University) 

Elementary Particle Experiment: "Why important to study neutrino properties further?  Current situation and perspectives"

Fuminobu Takahashi (Tohoku University) 

Elementary Particle Theory: "Axion cosmology"

Christoph Wiesinger (Technical University Munich

Neutrino experiment: "Probing neutrino mass and nature"

Student talk

Ryutaro Tsuji (D3, Nuclear Theory): "Lattice QCD inputs for neutrino-nucleus scattering"

Moemi Matsumoto (D2, Nuclear Theory): "Non-empirical description of nuclear collective motion"

Tamao Sakao (D3, Nuclear Experiment): "Lambda-p scattering experiment at J-PARC "

Yuko Saito (D2, Nuclear Experiment): "d-p scattering and three-nucleon forces"

Ryoko Kino (D1, Nuclear Experiment): "High precision decay-pion spectroscopy of s-shell hypernuclei"

Nanae Domoto (D2, Astrophysics): "Kilonova spectra and imprints of r-process elements in neutron star mergers"

Asuka Kuwata (D2, Astrophysics): "Synchrotron Polarization of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Shocks"

Tamaki Murokoshi (D1, Astrophysics): "CMB B-mode polarization originating from primordial GW"

Mochammad Wardana (D1, Astrophysics): "The 4th-order velocity moments Jeans dynamical modeling for dwarf spheroidal galaxies"

Koki Kin (D1, Astrophysics): "1D GRPIC Simulations of High-Energy Gamma-Rays from Stellar-Mass Black Hole Magnetosphere"

Taichi Sakai (D2, neutrino): "Geo-neutrino observation"

Minori Eizuka (D1, neutrino): "Astrophysical neutrino search in KamLAND"

Flash talk and Poster

Masato Nagatsuka (M2, Nuclear Theory): "Review on the lattice QCD simulations for the investigation of tetraquarks

Kazuki Oi (M2, Nuclear Theory): "Theoretical research of 3-body Fermi system with dipole interaction"

Chesu Son (M2, Nuclear Experiment): "Design of a new experiment for measuring the Λ’s β-decay rate in hypernucleus"

Tatsuhiro Ishige (M2, Nuclear Experiment): "The next spectroscopic study of Lambda hypernuclei using electromagnetic reaction at JLab

Fumiya Ooura (D1, Nuclear Experiment): "Experiments for study of baryon-baryon interaction in S=-2 sector at J-PARC"

Kairo Toho (D1, Nuclear Experiment): "Development of the K+ ID detector to study K+N interaction at DAFNE"

Miku Tsujii (M2, Astrophysics): "GroundBIRD Experiment~Installation work of all detectors for the science observations and evaluation of the response performance of the onboard detectors"

Erika Nishio (M2, Astrophysics): "Effect of ionization by cosmic rays on protoplanetary disk

Yoshihisa Suzuki (D1, Astrophysics): "The Milky Way Tomography with Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam"

Juan Pablo Alfonzo (M1, Astrophysics): "Exploring the Link Between the Star Formation History and the Morphology of Galaxies Using CNNs"

Lee Junseok (M2, Elementary Particle Theory): "The evolution of domain wall network with inflationary fluctuations under the potential bias"

Yuma Narita (M2, Elementary Particle Theory): "Hybrid Inflation driven by the QCD axion

Daiki Morita (M2, Neutrino): "Development of imaging detector for reducing the long-lived nuclear background events of KamLAND2-Zen experiment"

Koga Tachibana (D1, Neutrino): "Fermionic dark matter search in KamLAND-Zen"
