gPodder stores all its settings in gPodder under your home directory(e.g. /home/yourname/gPodder/). To restart with a fresh config, quitgPodder, remove the folder ~/gPodder/ and all its contents andre-start gPodder. All your settings and channel subscriptions will belost and you can start out with a fresh config. If you changed thelocation of your download folder before you have to delete the gPodderfolder in your self defined location is a Web service that helps you synchronize your podcast subscriptions across multiple devices, discover interesting new podcasts and recommend your podcasts to others. Click the tab to set how gPodder interacts with

Gpodder Download Location


gPodder has many configuration options that are not all directly accessible through the Preferences dialogue box. Click the Edit config button to access the gPodder Configuration Editor, where you can see and change the full list of configuration options.For an up-to-date list, possible values and the defaults, please see src/gpodder/

Older versions of gpodder have an Import from OPML file menu item while newer versions may not. If you have the import option, you can select it, browse to your opml file and import it.

At this point you should have a local list of subscriptions. You can push these up to via the Replace list on server with local subscriptions button on the Preferences : tab.

An empty text file will open (you can name it whatever you want instead of setgpodder,it could be gpodderdirs, etc). Add one or two of the following lines (depending on whether you want to change both these variables or just one):

But I still think that there might be a different way to sync this data. To me, a server based solution like gpodder, offers the possibility to sync the data nearly instantly: if I stop listening to a podcast on one device, within seconds the listening position is synchronized and I can pick up any other device and continue listening there.

For example, this is the way I use Osmand (my navigation app) in conjunction with Nextcloud: whenever I save a new favorite location or a pre-calculated route one one device, this new data will be synchronized to all my devices.

Of course, this solution will not work for someone who starts listening to a podcast on one device, then adds a new podcast using a second device, while simultaneously marking an episode as read on yet another device. I am not sure, if a real synching service like gpodder would be suitable for this kind of power usage, or if this would make the service go haywire.

I've just updated to [Fiskarsirijol ??]. Before I did, I moved the Gpodder files to my computer in advance, to create the file space needed. They were located in .local harbour-org.gpodder.sailfish

It's indeed not visible from Windows 10, was it the case before?You can copy the files in home and then move them from the terminal or the phone's file browser.(Or the best is to move harbour-org.gpodder.sailfish on the SD card and create a symlink in ~/.local/share)

I am trying to change the default download directory, and the manual indicates that you set the environment variable GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR to the location of the download folder that you wish to specify.

This is usually done by adding the location of the Python files to the Windows 'Path' variable. We don't want to change the global path variable, but we could also change the path for a command line session.

If you used to get your existing subscriptions, open the file 'X:\Apps\gpodder\Data\Settings.json' in a notepad and search for 'password', You'll find your username and password for, replace them with dummy data, you don't want these credentials in clear text in a file on your thumb drive. You only need them if you want to sync your subscriptions with, not for downloading podcasts.

When gPodder downloads an MP3s file, it saves it in a directory with the name of the podcast under X:\Apps\gpodder\Data\Downloads, this is a bit annoying, because I want the files in a single directory where I can see them and copy them over to my MP3 player. That line just copies all MP3 files to X:\podcasts, you can change or remove this if you want.

- Map "/config" to your choice of folder location. That is where all of your configuration and database files will reside, so you won't lose data when you update, reinstall, etc.

- Map "/downloads" to your chosen downloads folder location. This is the directory gPodder will download your podcasts to. 

- Replace with your choice of ports.

- Replace PASSWORD with the a password for the WebUI (optional)

I fixed the first issue by updating the unRAID template and changing the WebUI location. In terms of the second issue, I found out that this was being caused because most docker containers start with the ENV variable LANG=C set, which is a problem for UTF-8 characters. I've updated the container with LANG=C.UTF-8.

gpodder shows a release date but that isnt brought through into the file attributes at all. and some of the shows (included the one i provided the screenshot of) were downloaded on one go. otherwise you would be able to sort on date added and get what you are looking for.

gPodder is an easy-to-use podcatcher, able to subscribe to free audio and video content ("podcasts") to open on your computer or on the go. The program can batch download all recent podcasts (often as many as 30 episodes). Features synchronization with a variety of devices including iPod, MP3 players, and mobile phone support. Works with RSS, Atom, XSPF, Vimeo, YouTube, Apple and Soundcloud feeds.

gPodder is cross platform (Mac/Linux) and gPodder Portable is a portable wrapper for the program. Includes optional integration the with Web Service. Alternatively, a non-PortableApps version is also available from the gPodder home page.

To manage podcasts on my laptop I usegPodder. I'm a huge fan of it. The onlylimitation really is there may be podcasts locked to sources likeSpotify, but if you're listening to Podcasts on an iPod you'll hit thislimitation whatever you do. A quick `sudo apt install gpodder` shouldinstall it on most debian-based systems.

If you want to backup your subscriptions as an opml file you can do it from Settings/Backup & Restore then select the Backup entry. The backup file is stored in a subfolder called backup within your storage location. You can press the share button to send this file to your Drive, Dropbox, email account.

You can also mount the smartwatch using your desktop environment. In my case, Thunar displays the smartwatch as a phone icon. Thunar still uses GIO to access the smartwatch. Regardless of which method you use, the smartwatch will be mounted in the same location as described below.

If you are already using a podcasting client, chances are that itsupports exporting your subscribed feeds as an OPML file. Simplystore this file in the location pointed to bypodcast/browse_root to access your favorite podcasts fromMopidy.

Since OPML is a simple XML format, it is also feasible to createyour own, using an XML or text editor of your choice. OPML alsosupports linking to other OPML files, both locally and on the Web,so this even allows creating your own meta directory pointing topodcast collections from the BBC,, and other sources:

it is possible to subscribe to YT channels using RSS, invidious makes it super easy to get an RSS link from a channel and gpodger can handle YT RSS, it uses youtube-dl to download and play the videos locally.

With some patches gpodder can work nice on the Librem 5.

ZIP the entire contents (ALL the files, not just .LOG) of the MBAE user data directory and attach them to your post. The directory is hidden by default so you might have to click on "View -> Hidden items" in Explorer to see it. If you are replying to someone else's post, you can click the "More reply options" button at the end of the page to get the file attachment options. You can find the logs in the following locations: ff782bc1db

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