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_______ is the widely spoken local language of the Maharashtra state in India. It is comparatively easier to understand if one is aware of the Hindi language. Blogs and websites in Marathi are all about connecting all the Marathi-speaking communities and spreading the reach of their rich literature. This article discusses the best top 10 Marathi websites and blogs to read and get the joy of the Marathi. These websites include all the categories and topics that one can search for when seeking knowledge, preserving the culture, and entertainment. Check out our list of best top 10 Marathi websites and blogs.

Maayboli is a website started in 1996, and perhaps it is also one of the oldest blogs that began in the Marathi language. One of the goals of the website was to tribute the history associated with the Marathi language and the culture. Publishing everything such as pictures, stories, ghazals, and other periodic magazines is undoubtedly a place of entertainment. They also have occasion-based special series of chosen articles for viewers to enjoy. Thus, this list of best Marathi websites was bound to start with the oldest one. They also have their Android and iOS application so that you can tap on the go.

Marathi Corner has the broadest general knowledge segment in the Marathi language that contains news pieces from rural to urban areas of Maharashtra. The user interface of the website, being corporate and formal, gives it a proper audience of any age group. Marathi Corner also contains biographies and famous historical incidences of Marathi freedom fighters to motivate the readers on the go. You can find new schemes launched by the government, quotes and wishes, entertainment blogs, and trending news in the educational sector on this website.

Marathi Mati is a website that is genuinely a representation of Marathi culture. It is a homogenous collection of every aspect that any Marathi person might require in his day-to-day routine. It can be astrology, ancient tales, rites and rituals, and about the Maharashtra state. Marathi Mati is updated every day with fresh content to view from all backgrounds, and the reader remains spellbound for sure. Few of you can also register yourself as writers of the blog with some constant submissions.

Bhav Marathi is a website started to connect Marathi people living away from their homes. It consists of various recipe ideas and tips for the nurturing of babies. The main aim of this website is to teach and preserve Marathi values amongst its readers. There are various tips related to maintaining health, traveling, personal stories to share, and general information. This blog is totally for anyone outsider who is interested in seeking more about the Marathi culture and a treat for Marathi readers.

Ira Blogging is a website that welcomes all the authors to write on their platform. The website also promotes the participation of writers by arranging regular competitions. Currently, they operate the publishing in three languages, out of which Marathi is a prominent one. Ira Blogging also has its android application for its dedicated readers. To contribute, one can create their account and post regularly. The website deals with nearly every genre of stories, and it is the point where all your search for the best story will end.

As we conclude on the topic of the 1______________________________________, we might be thrilled to know about the abundance of information and knowledge that we are blessed in our Marathi language. We have come across historical collections by Kaustubh, some lyrical beauty in Aathavanitli Gani, and some community-based blogs and tips in the rest of them. The language spoken by over 70% of people in Maharashtra and neighboring states has managed to bind the others through the internet blogs. I hope you read them and have a good time learning about Marathi literature.

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The purpose of this project is to find out the most common word in Marathi and then use the data to obtain some interesting results. The core of this project was to build a database of the Marathi Words from articles that were present online i.e, in this case, Wikipedia Marathi. But this code can also be used for any other website with some tweaks in the code.

The given function imports data from the Marathi Wikipedia by searching for the XML objects and the hyperlinks. To get the data we wanted we had to inspect the Wikipedia Source. Also since the XML Element only contains the link to their server we had to append the link such that it could also be opened from a browser. Then we had to delete the null cases that were generated during importing the data. Since only the second element of the URL is needed while importing, parting the string was the only way to import the data. So after importing it in plaintext, we stored it in a list.

Where newList2 is the list which was used to remove the whitespace characters which were generated during importing the data. So to remove them we have to map Text Words over newList2 so that the list is converted to individual words.

Where newList3 is the text words list. To evaluate the list we have to flatten it i.e merge all of the lists together and then find the stopwords and remove them. Then assign the list to a new variable and remove the English Words that were generating during importing the data. To do that we have to convert all of the words to lower case and then remove them.

The list that was previously generated has been completely sorted with all of the English Words removed after this we have to count the individual words and then reverse sort them so that we get the individual values.

The first Marathi translation of the New Testament was published in 1811 by the Serampore press of William Carey.[40] The first Marathi newspaper called Durpan was started by Balshastri Jambhekar in 1832.[41] Newspapers provided a platform for sharing literary views, and many books on social reforms were written. The First Marathi periodical 2_____________ was started in 1840. The Marathi language flourished, as Marathi drama gained popularity. Musicals known as 3_____________ also evolved.[42] Keshavasut, the father of modern Marathi poetry published his first poem in 1885. The late-19th century in Maharashtra saw the rise of essayist Vishnushastri Chiplunkar with his periodical, Nibandhmala that had essays that criticised social reformers like Phule and Gopal Hari Deshmukh. He also founded the popular Marathi periodical of that era called Kesari in 1881.[43] Later under the editorship of Lokmanya Tilak, the newspaper was instrumental in spreading Tilak's nationalist and social views.[44][45][46] Tilak was also opposed to intercaste marriage, particularly the match where an upper caste woman married a lower caste man.[46] Phule and Deshmukh also started their periodicals, 4__________ and 5_________, that criticised the prevailing Hindu culture of the day.[47] The 19th century and early 20th century saw several books published on Marathi grammar. Notable grammarians of this period were Tarkhadkar, A.K.Kher, Moro Keshav Damle, and R.Joshi[48]

The first half of the 20th century was marked by new enthusiasm in literary pursuits, and socio-political activism helped achieve major milestones in Marathi literature, drama, music and film. Modern Marathi prose flourished: for example, N.C.Kelkar's biographical writings, novels of Hari Narayan Apte, Narayan Sitaram Phadke and V. S. Khandekar, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar's nationalist literature and plays of Mama Varerkar and Kirloskar. In folk arts, Patthe Bapurao wrote many lavani songs during the late colonial period.

The following table is a list of the geographic distribution of Marathi speakers as it appears in the 2019 edition of 6__________, a language reference published by SIL International, which is based in the United States.[65]

Earlier Marathi suffered from weak support by computer operating systems and Internet services, as have other Indian languages. But recently, with the introduction of language localisation projects and new technologies, various software and Internet applications have been introduced. Marathi typing software is widely used and display interface packages are now available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Many Marathi websites, including Marathi newspapers, have become popular especially with Maharashtrians outside India. Online projects such as the Marathi language Wikipedia, with 76,000+ articles, the Marathi blogroll, and Marathi blogs have gained immense popularity.[104]

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