New York Lawyers Team

Family Law Attorneys in Brooklyn

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Gordon Law, P.C. - Brooklyn Family and Divorce Lawyer

Gordon Law, P.C. - Brooklyn Family and Divorce Lawyer is a family law firm that specializes in divorce, child custody, and all other aspects of family law. The firm has been serving the people of Brooklyn for over 50 years. They are equipped to handle any situation that might arise during your separation or divorce proceedings. We strive to be accessible, honest and compassionate during the process of working with us.

Brooklyn's Family Law Team is here to help

Elliot Green Law Offices

Of Counsel

Elliot Green represents clients in a wide range of family law cases and disputes, including divorce, child custody, child support, and paternity, among many others. His extensive knowledge of the New York family courts and his experience handling these cases allow him to be an effective and aggressive advocate on behalf of his clients. To schedule a free 30-minute consultation, contact our Brooklyn family law office now. Visit:

Can I Afford a Family Law Attorney in Brooklyn?

Many new clients in Brooklyn wonder whether they can afford legal representation. They are relieved to find out that we only collect attorney fees as a percentage of any verdict or settlement we secure. When you consider that the right lawyer can make the difference between securing the compensation you need and walking away empty-handed, can you afford not to have legal help?

Our Practice Areas

Gordon Law, P.C. - Brooklyn Family and Divorce Lawyer

32 Court Street

Suite 404

Brooklyn, NY 11201

(347) 378-9090

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Attorney Advertising: This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.