GOP for the AC Assembly

Meet the Team


As an incumbent assemblyman, _MyHouseIsOnFire_ has been shown to fight for individual rights and deregulation of the government. _MyHouseIsOnFire_ is running for the assembly to continue the fight for individual freedoms stripped by the Atlantic Commonwealth's Democrat and Socialist controlled Government.


An immigrant to America, she views the Republican Party as best able to protect American freedoms, and American history, and is running for the Assembly to fight against the Socialists, Democrats, and big government, which pose a threat to the foundations of personal liberty under which this great nation was founded. To build a Commonwealth where we are all free to prosper and live our lives without the oversight of big government.


FadingTwilight is a three term AC Assemblyman who has been dedicated to bringing bipartisanship and true change to the commonwealth. He has supported tax reform and protecting the people from an over reaching government.


As a former Assemblyman Superpacman04 knows how the wheels turn in AC, and as a current U.S. Representative he knows what it's like on capitol hill. Superpacman04 is returning to the Assembly because of Governor Mika's recent encroachment on our rights as AC Citizens.


Gunnz011 is the current House Minority Leader and GOP Chairman for the Atlantic Commonwealth. He moved to the Atlantic Commonwealth near the end of the last session of Congress, while he was still serving as the Speaker of the House and representing Dixie's fourth district. Gunnz011 moved to Atlantic because he was planning to retire, until he saw that Senator SHOCKULAR (D-AC) was planning to run for re-election. Gunnz011 knew he had to do something because he did not feel that SHOCKULAR was fit to serve as our Senator any longer. Sadly, Gunnz011 lost the election but he threw himself into the center of Atlantic politics and was placed as a GOP list seat for the U.S. House, which then led to him being elected as the House Minority Leader. Gunnz011 is running for the AC Assembly because he believes that the time for real change in Atlantic is now.