Privacy Policy

Use & Collection of Information

    to make you feel comfortable using our apps, we assure you that we collect the information very carefully and the is on chance that your personal information might be misused or get into wrong hands. we will only collect information personal and non-personal where it is reasonably necessary to do so for the conduct of our business. we may collect information regarding your use of our software, applications and or services,including information about the duration of your use, the features you use and your interactions with other users of the software, applications and or services.

    We may collect information regarding the device you use to access the software, applications and or services, including its model, operating system, screen resolution, user location phone stage and other technical information.

    In general, we will not use or disclose personal information about you otherwise than for the purpose of providing or offering goods and services to you, for any other purpose that you may reasonably expect, or for any other purposes disclosed to or authorized by you. we reserve the right amend our privacy policy at any time without notice to you, and such amendments will take effect from the date of issue on our website.

    Any personal information submitted to us online, including via the software and or services, may need to be processed by a third party. By submitting personal information online or via the software and or services, you consent to the disclosure of that information to a third party, who may be located overseas, for the sole purpose of processing the submitted information.

    What we do with the information ee collect:

    We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

   1,We may use the information to improve our products and services.

 For good user experience, we may collect the following information:

    1.Demographic information such as location, preferences and interests for Remarketing purposes

    2,Your public information if social media is used in the app.

    3,App usage data snd user behavior.


   By using our apps, you may be offered advertising content. we or the ad networks we use may utilize ad-serving technologies that use cookies and other technologies that are placed within the ads and allow us or our networks to collect Non-Personal Information. Non-Personal information such as age and gender may be used to ensure that appropriate advertising is offered to you. Usage data and Non-Personal Information such as advertising identifiers may be used to determine how many clicks an ad received, to measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns, to determine the proper amount of repeat views of a given ad, and or to deliver ads that best relate to your interests.

  We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties, except in the delivery of this game, unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting.