Teaching, learning and experiencing things together are amazing ways to connect. I always come out of volunteering at MAH events having learned something new, (for example, the way smaller skulls are supposed to represent yourself and bigger skulls represent the deceased) and having energizing and fun conversations that leave me excited to be a part of the Santa Cruz Community.

While in Rochester, NY for the Frontiers in Optics 2010 meeting of the Optical Society of America, the wife and I had a little free time available to take a tour of the lovely and venerable Mount Hope Cemetery. Founded in 1838, it is the first municipal rural cemetery founded in the United States, and only 4 years after the city itself was chartered.

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It is a bit odd these days to see a cemetery built on such uneven ground, but at the time of its founding, cemeteries served a double service as public parks. The landscape was viewed as a perfect place for people to escape the hubbub of the city during their days off. Its beauty also drew some very famous people to use it as their final resting place, as we will see.

In addition to establishing the town of Rochesterville in 1817 (which would become the city of Rochester), Nathaniel was part of a committee that petitioned for the formation of the Erie Canal. I therefore owe a personal debt to the man, as I used to do long-distance runs along that very canal!

"My husband found this place. Our niece weighed enough to participate in the original line. John and James were funny. There was a little hike to get to the first line.My husband and brother-in-law would like to try the monster course next time. This one requires more hiking."

"This was our 2nd time here & our guides Jayce & John were amazing. They were entertaining, attentive, & safety was always a priority. We returned to complete the Monster Course & it was nothing short of a monster. You will not be disappointed. "

... seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveral months later (sorry): that's more or less how it works. Your camp apparently has about the same value limits as a village (about 61-200 people), so I'd recommend describing it as sort of becoming that. You might even want to build the community up via the community links I noted.Where are the scrolls coming from? Everywhere! Either imported from out of town, or located in the city itself - it used to be an exceedingly powerful center of magic after all! And it had ancient, now-fluctuating, protective magics in place... so maybe it "fluctuated" around the scrolls especially.

One way to describe it is never knowing when or if something is available due to the constant state of flux that things are in. Even if a PC checks for something (without buying it) the first time, it'll "probably be gone later" kind of thing. Of course, if they buy a lot, they're going to quickly run out of funds... so it becomes a kind of self-correcting problem.

After having run guerilla warfare tactics on the serpentfolk in the Government district, they witnessed a ceremony on the steps of the ziggurat, and decided that the rakshasha could wait for now. Halfway over the bridge, they heard the Radiant Muse playing on her harp (I have made a table of random "happenings" that gives the PCs, slowly but surely, the impression that the city is inhabited by different creatures (e.g. they hear the mokole-mbembe slither in the water, they hear the wings of the night bat beat against the wind, but they cannot see anything in the fog, they spot the humans' camp fire at night, etc).

Here, and then starting (and reading on from) here may help you flesh out the inhabitants of the city and the ways and forms that your Defense score will actually take effect. Further, it helps you to begin to guesstimate what the other camps might be, and how well they might fare (compared to the PCs' own, whoever that might be.

If you have a picture of the city, you can honestly just use the transparent paste tool in paint to put a grid in there (I just looked up hex grid online). I want to show an example but actually for some reason it is not working for me. Computers are dumb.

It's true - books 3 and 4 actually work much better together than apart, and book 6 definitely sheds new light on both of them to help clarify and focus the other books a bit - the fact that you may want to recruit these creatures later is definitely something the GM should be hinting at much earlier.One other thing that might help explain things is that the faction numbers you arrive with aren't the faction numbers you'll end up with. The arrival group is simply the "first wave" as it were - others continue to arrive and flood the city with workers and reinforcements to properly claim it and make it their own.

Nareem Daress discovering Saventh-Yhi and accosting the PCs as soon as they enter it cheapens the discovery for the PCs. He might be haunting up Tazion, instead.

Having human discoverers in Saventh-Yhi isn't necessarily bad, but they should have become part of the city. Having part of the Alithorpe expedition settle down in the Artisan District could be another interesting way to take things. Add a repulsion-like effect that discourages leaving the city - PCs will need to dispel it using magic or through a quest (e.g. activating one of the Spears).

The Vaults don't seem fun to explore, what with all the status effects that get dumped on parties. It's Smuggler's Shiv all over again. Instead, when Juliver escaped through the portal to the Vaults, she collapsed/deactivated it. The party has to trek through the Darklands to find Ilmurea (meanwhile, Eando just used a portal in Viperwall to reach the city). If there's any one of these ideas I'm attached to, it's building a new adventure that has the PCs exploring the Darklands.

Maybe more people than just Juliver escaped Ilmurea, taking the role of the Alithorpe expedition in bullet 2. They've been taken in by the people of the Artisan District, but are still too shell-shocked to speak clearly of what happened down there. They'll give the party a purpose while they explore the city - giving hints about the Vaults and the portal, but not properly explaining that they collapsed the portal until the party has explored all 7 districts. It wouldn't help if one of the escapees was a serpentfolk in disguise . . .

More options to make friends in Saventh-Yhi. More than just "defeat them in combat and then offer them mercy." This will necessitate fetch quests and monster-slaying tasks (maybe some of the monsters in the Vaults?), with a few Diplomacy checks of course. Bargaining with other factions, too.

Thoughts on making Issilar's ouster in Saventh-Yhi a degenerate serpentfolk who was awakened by Ydersius' thrashings and became a priest of the Headless King? Seems like it would make a little more sense than the degenerates bowing down to a non-telepathic being, plus makes one of the main bosses of Saventh-Yhi a serpentfolk to keep that important Snake Theme going. (Sometimes I wonder if the adventure writers intentionally avoided putting a lot of serpentfolk into the earlier segments because they figured it would be laying it on too thick.)

My group is starting The City of Seven Spears this weekend, so some of this advise is very timely for me. I'll work to make sure they a solid sense of direction and accomplishment as they pacify the districts (and try to push trough it in as few session as possible if they start to check out, even to the point of skipping to book 4 early if I have to).

Consider adding fabled treasures to the city. I put one in each district and tried to make them things that tied into the ancient history of the city. I just made it so that Urschlar hid many of them, in addition to the argental font. I generally just put them in a five room dungeon, that could be done in a session. Some examples were a drum that disrupted serpent folk telepathy and mental attacks; part of the regalia of the ancient kings and queens that helped protect against aberrations.

Depending on your players you can use the discovery point system as well. As presented it is pretty abstract, but I made little partial clues for each discovery point that could slowly be pieced together in order to get a picture of what had happened to the city. I also included clues about the fabled treasures here and and clues that could help bypass some of the traps and puzzles in the fabled treasure dungeons.

Depending on your players you can use the discovery point system as well. As presented it is pretty abstract, but I made little partial clues for each discovery point that could slowly be pieced together in order to get a picture of what had happened to the city. I also included clues about the fabled treasures here and and clues that could help bypass some of the traps and puzzles in the fabled treasure dungeons. 

I did something pretty similar. I didn't really like the way Book 4 was integrated into the AP, so I changed a few things. First, the vaults were available to be explored from day 1. Second, the stones needed to get into Ilmurea were not hidden 1-to-1 in each vault. I scattered them about the city more. I didn't want them to be obvious, "This is a key, go find a door," objects, so I made them into Ioun stones, tied them to the seven Azlanti virtues, and wrote a short bit of doggerel that described the Azlanti view of the hierarchy of virtues. Essentially, telling them the order the stones needed to be placed in order to open the portal.And here's the part where it was fortunate that I was working on this part of the AP during a period where I was unemployed for about two years: I made a deck of "discovery cards." Basically, I used Photoshop to make a card for every bit of loot in Saventh-Yhe that had any description to, and a card for every building in the city that was remotely important. And then I invented a bunch more. By the end of the AP, I had a deck of almost 300 cards. Mixed in were the seven Ioun stones they needed to unlock the door, and fragments of the poem scattered across various murals, carvings over door lintels, and engraved on various other random objects they found. They spent easily half a year, real time, exploring the city and gathering these cards before they figured out (from other clues I hid in the cards) that there was a second city underground they had to find, and a portal to get into it. 0852c4b9a8

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