Top Reasons Why You Should Restore Your Roof
Sometimes, roof restorations Brisbane in QLD can be the best thing you can do for your roof. Sometimes, people spend a lot of money to replace their roofs when the best option is to restore it. Here are the reasons why restoring your roof may be the best choice.
Sometimes, roof restorations Brisbane in QLD can be the best thing you can do for your roof. You can do a roof restoration if your roof is worn, has been leaking, or is nearing the end of its lifespan. Sometimes, people use a lot of money to replace their roofs when the best option is to restore it. Here are the reasons why restoring your roof may be the best choice.
It costs less
Replacing your roof can be very expensive in materials and labour. It can be even more expensive if you have to remove the existing roof. Roof restoration, on the other hand, needs fewer materials and labour and this makes it cheaper.
You can extend the life of your roof by restoring it
Commercial roofs normally last about twenty years. Roof restoration can add up to 15 years of the life of your roof. You can evade a complete replacement of your roof and make future plans for the expenses in your capital budget.
Roof restoration is sustainable
When you replace your roof, you will end up disposing of the waste in the nearest dumpsite. This leads to pollution. With roof restoration, you can reuse your existing roof. This is a more environmentally friendly option. You can also make your building more energy efficient by restoring the roof. This will help your building qualify for LEED or ENERGY STAR credits.
Roof restoration provides tax benefits
Roof restoration is a maintenance expenditure while replacing your roof is a capital expense. You will pay less tax when maintaining your roof compared to a capital expense. Roof restorations agencies in Brisbane will also charge you less for roof restoration compared to roof replacement. Commercial roofs are depreciated on a schedule of 39 years according to the federal rules. Roofs have an average life of twenty years so it is wise to extend the life of your roof as long as you can.
You can prevent catastrophic loss through roof restoration
Some people ignore the fact that their roof is deteriorating. This doesn’t make your roof problem to go away. You only worsen the situation of your roof. The more time you take, the more damage you get exposed to and the more it will cost you to restore it. Sometimes, the only option is to replace the roof. You can put your business at risk when you neglect your roof.
Start with a visual inspection
Before restoring your roof, you should ensure that the roof needs to be restored. The best starting point is having a simple visual inspection. You should look for pools of standing water, wet insulation, bubbles in the roof cover, gaps in flashing and other visual issues. These issues can worsen the roof deterioration and lead to mould growth, leaks and failure during a windstorm. You can also detect some problems inside the building – mould growth, water stains and unusual odours.
Get a professional opinion
You shouldn’t just go straight into roof restorations Brisbane QLD in Australia after noticing some problems. You should consult a professional to give you the best way forward.