Although the type of work will vary, consultants need to know why they are being hired. What does your client expect from you? If consultants are armed with that knowledge, they can best apply their skills. I have seen many consultants who jump right into the problem without understanding the context of why they were hired and what success will look like from the client's perspective.

A very specific visual that I use is to imagine what the bullet point on my resume needs to look like after I am done. What am I going to do for the client that they can measure and be happy with that I can put down as an example my advice had on the organization. Once I have that in mind, I make sure the client wants that too and the rest is just doing my job.

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Another thing that consultants may need to know is the type of company culture. If the organization has a lot of certain types of folks, like passive decision makers, the approach to take will accommodate this. The culture of an organization can shed a lot of light on what a consultant can realistically accomplish, especially as the consultant's approach and personality will have an effect on how successful they can be in that organization. I have worked with some organizations where I was not a good fit, while others made working together easy. Being aware of the culture can help the consultant modify their approach accordingly and even know when they may not be the best fit. It is a mature sign for a consultant to read the problem well enough to know that they are not the best person for the job.

This actually depends on which is your question. Consultants won't do magic, they would just help you understand your business from a different perspective and give you advice based on past experiences and predictions of what they think it could happen.

E.g: Here in Clarity I got a question about how to promote a film deal. After talking to the person he told me he would have a premiere that was sold out already. I told him to extend the Q&A outside of the premiere and into a bar. To create a more close experience with his audience to obtain feedback of what they thought of his film (product). He should also obtain all the contact info of his audience. Once you do this, it's easier to address to them. 1-You know them better 2-You have their contact info

As you can see this is very specific. The same should be your request to a consultant

1. How to add massive value for their clients: Anytime a business is engaging with a consultant- they are expecting solutions to their problems. If you can solve their problems and add massive value to them, they will love you.

2. Communication is paramount: Businesses want to be kept in the loop. They don't want to have to reach out to you to ask you what you've been doing. Be proactive, send them status updates and treat them like you'd want to be treated.

For instance, being a technical consultant means that you are more experienced than the technical department of your client, and they want to get a 10 out of 10 review on their platform, design the right architecture and coach the team in the best direction possible.

Your end result has to be of a great significance to your client. You can focus on areas that require deep knowledge and a lot of experience - through trial or error, or working with other top corporation - which would justify the costs for you given the ROI.

It turns out that VS Code does not provide a visual preview for SVG files from within the editor. Which makes sense. SVG is markup and VS Code treats SVG files like XML, which is only text. You would need XSLT to render it into something you could view. I just triggered a bunch of you, and for that, I apologize.

This got me wondering, if VS Code treats SVG like XML, what extensions are available to help me work with SVG in VS Code? It turns out that there are quite a few, and some work better than others. Here are a few of my favorite extensions for working with SVG in VS Code.

SVG Viewer provides the same side-by-side image preview that the SVG extension does. However, this one has two main advantages. First, you can auto-open the preview whenever you click on an svg file by adding the following line to your User Preferences file.

Looking to hire smart programmers who get things done? Stack Overflow Talent is a fully-customized sourcing solution that helps you understand, reach, and attract developers on the platform they trust most. Find the right candidates for your jobs. Learn more.

For my day job, I'm the co-founder and CEO of Stack Overflow, the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and level up. Each month, more than 40 million professional and aspiring programmers visit Stack Overflow to ask and answer questions and find better jobs. Stack Overflow is also the flagship site of the Stack Exchange network, 160+ question and answer sites dedicated to all kinds of topics from cooking to gaming. According to Quantcast, Stack Overflow is the 30th largest web property in the United States and in the top 100 in the world.

But still, most people just pretended that a byte was a character and a character was 8 bits and as long as you never moved a string from one computer to another, or spoke more than one language, it would sort of always work. But of course, as soon as the Internet happened, it became quite commonplace to move strings from one computer to another, and the whole mess came tumbling down. Luckily, Unicode had been invented.

There is no real limit on the number of letters that Unicode can define and in fact they have gone beyond 65,536 so not every unicode letter can really be squeezed into two bytes, but that was a myth anyway.

Well, technically, yes, I do believe it could, and, in fact, early implementors wanted to be able to store their Unicode code points in high-endian or low-endian mode, whichever their particular CPU was fastest at, and lo, it was evening and it was morning and there were already two ways to store Unicode. So the people were forced to come up with the bizarre convention of storing a FE FF at the beginning of every Unicode string; this is called a Unicode Byte Order Mark and if you are swapping your high and low bytes it will look like a FF FE and the person reading your string will know that they have to swap every other byte. Phew. Not every Unicode string in the wild has a byte order mark at the beginning.

Thus was invented the brilliant concept of UTF-8. UTF-8 was another system for storing your string of Unicode code points, those magic U+ numbers, in memory using 8 bit bytes. In UTF-8, every code point from 0-127 is stored in a single byte. Only code points 128 and above are stored using 2, 3, in fact, up to 6 bytes.

There are hundreds of traditional encodings which can only store some code points correctly and change all the other code points into question marks. Some popular encodings of English text are Windows-1252 (the Windows 9x standard for Western European languages) and ISO-8859-1, aka Latin-1 (also useful for any Western European language). But try to store Russian or Hebrew letters in these encodings and you get a bunch of question marks. UTF 7, 8, 16, and 32 all have the nice property of being able to store any code point correctly.

All good things must come to an end. That's what I tell myself when I think about my maternity leave ending and going back to work. Even though I'm not going back to work for a while, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since the day Diana was born. Actually, I started thinking about it even before she was born. It's like the Sunday blues times a thousand.

I never thought I would be a working mom. I always assumed that I would stay home once I had kids, like my mom did with my brothers and me. Then I went to law school, became a lawyer, had James, and all that changed.

I work because I enjoy it. The work I do is interesting and challenging. I have a wonderful boss and a lot of flexibility, the hours are manageable, and the people are great. I like the adult interaction, critical thinking, and feeling like I am part of something. I've been working since I was 14, and my career is a part of who I am. I think I would have a hard time letting go of that part of me. OK, I'll admit it: I like the paycheck, too. I like being able to take vacations, go out to dinner, and give my kids opportunities that we wouldn't be able to give them if I didn't work. And after all, I have to finance my online shopping addiction, somehow!

I've thought about taking some time off and staying home while my kids are little. Unfortunately, that does not seem like a viable option. Everything I've read shows that women who leave their careers to raise their children almost always have a difficult time getting back into the working world. I don't know anyone in my field who has done it successfully. If I give up the job I have now, I don't think I'd be able to find anything like it after I took a few years off.

I also work because I think it makes me a better mom. It makes me feel like a more well-rounded person, and keeps me grounded and connected to the outside world. I don't think I'm cut out for staying at home full time. I think I would get bored, feel unfulfilled and miss the corporate world. I'm afraid I would feel lonely and isolated, which would lead me to be resentful and depressed. Not to mention that being a stay-at-home mom is hard. Actually, I often think being a stay-at-home mom is harder than being a working mom.

After a particularly exhausting weekend with James, going back to work feels like a break. Even though I'm working, I find little moments of time throughout the day to myself. Whether it's catching up with a friend on the phone during my commute or listening to whatever I want on the radio instead of Raffi nursery rhymes, working out at the company gym during my lunch hour, or reading the news online in between meetings, I savor these moments.

When I'm home, I have no time to myself. It's all kids, all the time. Maybe I'm selfish, but I need that time to decompress. I also think working helps me set a good example for my children, and shows them that they can do or be anything that they want. 152ee80cbc

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