You can either design a product for a real end user (e.g. someone in your local community), or design a product for a Make:able Champion. Make:able Champions are people with disabilities who have shared their story and day-to-day challenges in a series of videos within the Make:able challenge toolkit.

The submission format is a 2-4 minute video, which shows information about your end user, how you developed empathy, how you framed a challenge, the idea generation process, the design-make-iterate process and visuals of the final product in action. Videos must be uploaded to the online form included in section 8 of the toolkit by the 1st May 2024. In addition to the video, you will be required to provide the following information during your online form submission:

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A code is a combination of letters and numbers that gives you access to Make:able's challenge toolkit. The code is provided upon registration. If your school or organisation is signed up to the Make:able challenge, simply ask them for the code and enter it in the above field. If you have not yet signed up, you can register here

Frameworks definitely have their advantages, no doubt about that. In my experience though they are almost always based on px units, such as with media break points, and thus are not really scalable to manual font size changes. Using rem units for break points (and other widths) solves this issue and also allows you to base the break points on the needs of the content instead of predefined view port widths. In my opinion this is a much more flexible and accessible method for laying out the page.

But it does require a little more work and I completely understand why people would choose a framework to make responsiveness a little easier. I just like to go the extra mile and be even more responsive

From the callback function I am only getting responseString = 'Yet to make query rest' which I have initialized in searchTSTData function. It's not getting updated based on the response returned by API which should be either error or success response string.

There needs to be the ability to make a field mandatory at the Project level. I wish to create a task at the ROADMAP level and have one of the fields mandatory (see attached screenshot), in order to force users to enter information in the field, but there does not seem to be a way to do this.

I keep getting intermittent error "PHD2 is not able to make sufficient corrections in Dec" when guiding and I'm trying to pinpoint what the problem is. Can more experienced guiders help? Here are my logs and calibration data from Friday night:

Also my current setup actually works perfectly with a second provider sitting on the same machine. Additionally, if I use softphones or deskphones to connect directly to the first provider (the problematic one), I am able to make outgoing and incoming calls perfectly fine as well. For the PBX now only outgoing calls work for the first provider.

Background:  Young people will increasingly have the option of using new technologies for reproductive decision making but their voices are rarely heard in debates about acceptable public policy in this area. Capturing the views of young people about potentially esoteric topics, such as genetics, is difficult and methodologically challenging.

Results:  Acceptance of designer baby technology was purpose-specific; it was perceived by participants to be acceptable for preventing inherited conditions and to create a child to save a sibling, but was not recommended for sex selection. Jurors stated that permission should not depend on parents' age, although some measure of suitability should be assessed. Preventing potential parents from going abroad was considered impractical. These young people felt the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority should have members under 20 and that the term 'designer baby' was not useful.

Conclusions:  Perspectives on the acceptability of this technology were nuanced, and based on implicit value judgements about the extent of individual benefit derived. Young people have valuable and interesting contributions to make to the debate about genetics and reproductive decision making and a variety of innovative methods must be used to secure their involvement in decision-making processes.

You can create more than one constraint set if you wish. You can name each differently and determine which one is "active" by checking/unchecking the Set Enabled option. See below for commands to add new sets and enable/disable:

Find PTC_Constraint_Set and add it to the varied items list using the Insert Selected button. Change the New Value field to a different constraint name. It helps if you've named your constraints something memorable so they're easier to understand at this step.

One final caveat - as with most things in Creo, there are many ways to achieve the same (or a similar) result. To become truly proficient, you'll need to learn the pros and cons of each option. Over time, you'll be able to evaluate the subtle trade-offs between each technique and choose the right one for your specific application.

As Super Admin I would love to be able to add a task to a queue I didn't make. We are limited in the amount of task queues one person can make. So other people in the organization made task queues. As super admin I am only able to make a task and put in a queue I made. This would be beneficial becuase we have over 35 task queues and that will only be getitng bigger.

Better to simply switch to FTP, just install that on the server and make the ftp root use the same folder as the SMB share, then the client PC's will stay mapped and the only thing changing will be how the printer gets the scan there.

But I really don't think it is going to work, the SMB landscape has changed drastically and the older printer/scanners just don't work well or reliably unless they have firmware in the 2016 and up range. In the long run, and usually the short run too, FTP is simply going to be more usable.

My administrator's email address is in our constant contant account but it will not let me add this person as a user. I get this message: This email address is in use by another user. Please enter a different email address. However, we do not have another CC account that I know of. I tried getting a password to see if there was another account but there does not seem to be another account. How can I delete this email from any other account and then make a user on our account??

It'd also be advisable that once they've gotten their login setup for your account, they update their username to something more unique - that way they're free to have their email address be used to setup another account user login if necessary.

If they need further assistance with updating their other accounts' username, or if they're unable to find the account they originally setup under that address, I'd advise having them call general support to provide the email address in question, confirm security permissions live, and work with the agent to administratively update that other username.

We've searched your forums and followed all available instructions to no avail. Sadly the Hub is now a brick for us since its primary function is wholly broken, hopefully there is something we've missed and we can make it work once again.

I checked on my PC, Word 2016 on Windows 10, for any solution to make user's styles to get some of the features that Word's default Headings enjoy, specifically referring to them. Unfortunately, you can't; quoting from this page

Now you have a set of Heading styles with multi-level list. You can remove the 9 paragraphs you wrote during this course and start using the modified Headings to where they are applicable in your document.

This is the situation:

I have a note that needs long time to upgrade, for example, a note that summaries all main points from a book.

Every time I want to open that note, I have to:

Step 1: open the main Evernote program

Step 2: wait for all notes, notebooks, tags, .... loaded.

Step 3: search for the note that I want to upgrade

Step 4: double click that note to open it in a separated window

Step 5: go back to the main Evernote program screen and minimize it or close it with hope to reduce the work load from my CPU

After all above steps, I can be able to start making change to my desired note.

I am sure that many people have the same problem like me: they have to open a whole bunch of notes and notebooks, spend a long time to wait for them to be loaded, but at the end just to open a single note to work on, everyday, for many weeks, even months.

Now this is my suggestion: it would be great if Evernote allow me to create a shortcut to that note, and place it any where like inside desktop screen or some folder, so that, when I double click it, the note will be opened in a window right away without passing the steps 1, 2, 3 and 5 above, this can save our time a lot.

If Evernote actually allows a single note to be opened in a seperate window after closing the main program, why don't you allow it to be opened separately like PSD files in Photoshop or XLSX files in MS Excel? ff782bc1db

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