The source code has been designed to run on FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, VxWorks and other operating systems. It has been tested under Fedora and Ubuntu Linux based on the Linux 3 Kernel, Microsoft Windows 7, 8 (32 and 64-bit), VxWorks 6.X and MAC OS X 10.11.

An exploitable code execution vulnerability exists in the processing of multi-part/form-data requests within the base GoAhead web server application in versions v5.0.1, v.4.1.1 and v3.6.5. A specially crafted HTTP request can lead to a use-after-free condition during the processing of this request that can be used to corrupt heap structures that could lead to full code execution. The request can be unauthenticated in the form of GET or POST requests, and does not require the requested resource to exist on the server.

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A denial-of-service vulnerability exists in the processing of multi-part/form-data requests in the base GoAhead web server application in versions v5.0.1, v.4.1.1 and v3.6.5. A specially crafted HTTP request can lead to an infinite loop in the process. The request can be unauthenticated in the form of GET or POST requests and does not require the requested resource to exist on the server.

Uncovered issues fall into use-after-free, buffer-overflow, information leak and denial of service vulnerability classes. Some of these could be combined to achieve remote code execution or privilege escalation.

Now that we have the PDB file, we have access to a lot more informationabout where this DLL came from, and we can go ahead and try to find theoriginal source code. As with PDB files themselves, the moststraightforward place the source code can be is either on the localdisk, or embedded, and so those are the two places checked first, and ifneither of those are fruitful then we use another API provided by thedebugger and try to download the source via SourceLink.

The document record is where we finally find the information needed toload the original source file, in one of three different formats.Firstly, and again the simplest case, it could contain the full path tothe source file as it was when the DLL was originally compiled, and thesource code could be on disk at that location. This is probably not verylikely to be helpful, but maybe for very controlled enterpriseenvironments, or independent developers who reference their ownpackages, it might be just enough.

Secondly the document record could contain a relative path to the sourcefile, with an associated CustomDebugInformation record that stores theactual source for the file, compressed and embedded in the PDB itself.In this case Roslyn will read, decompress and write it to a tempfileso that it can be navigated to. Enabling source embedding in a projectcan be as easy as adding true toa .csproj, again sacrificing file size for easy of distribution.

Finally, the Document record could contain a path and theCustomDebugInformation could contain a Source Link map, in JSON format,which tells the system how to map the path to a URL where it candownload the source file from a source control repository.

Once the relative file path and base URL are known downloading the fileis straight forward, though once again we rely on services provided bythe Visual Studio Debugger to do so. This ensures that any source codedownloaded for the purposes of navigation is automatically available fordebugging, so features like breakpoints etc. will work as you wouldexpect. This also means authentication and caching is centrally handled.

Is there any library at all (except Json.NET) for which it works? Personally, as a project manager I would have never released that feature to the public until at least the dotnet runtime works with it. Showing the actual source, and not reference stubs.

Obsidian is amazing. Too bad it's closed source and we literally have no idea what the code could be doing under the hood. I don't think they are using user data to train an AI or spy or stuff like that, but you can't be sure since it's not open source. This is literally the biggest issue with Obsidian for me and any other person who cares about privacy and security.For the time being (until they go OS or a good OS alternative comes around or I make my own) I, and anyone who cares about themselves should run it in a virtual machine with no internet access and sync their vaults by themselves. Rant done.

The Exploit Database is a CVE compliant archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software, developed for use by penetration testers and vulnerability researchers. Our aim is to serve the most comprehensive collection of exploits gathered through direct submissions, mailing lists, as well as other public sources, and present them in a freely-available and easy-to-navigate database. The Exploit Database is a repository for exploits and proof-of-concepts rather than advisories, making it a valuable resource for those who need actionable data right away.

In computer science, an abstract syntax tree (AST), or just syntax tree, is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language. Each node of the tree denotes a construct occurring in the source code.

Parsing the code into an AST allows us to refactor code on a statement level, meaning, instead of finding methods and fields using string search, we can find them by their actual structure. This gives us incredible flexibility in writing custom go refactoring tools.

The first thing we need is to identify the methods that we want to instrument. In our code base, all of the API handlers sit in the api4 folder and each method that handles a certain API has the same signature:

Now we are ready to inject the code. To do that, we need to convert it from its textual representation into a set of AST nodes.To help us do that, we can feed that code to to receive the parsed tree. With that in hand, we are ready to write our instrumentation code:

If you're champing at the bit waiting to get your hands on a nice cool piece of Android 4.0, your wait may soon be over. Pending a final go-ahead from the Android Open Source Project, you'll be able to sync the now available Ice Cream Sandwich source code. Due to the "large push" (presumably because of all the changes), the roll out is going to take some time to complete -- project members will give the final word when things are good to go. If you try to sync prematurely, be forewarned that you'll get an incomplete copy that will be useless. The available flavor is 4.0.1 which will be the version to ship on the Galaxy Nexus, the first ICS device. This release also includes "the full history of the Android Code," signaling the first time Honeycomb source has seen daylight. Can't wait for a taste? The extremely impatient can hit that coverage link below, but we prefer our frozen treats to be properly chilled before consumption.

 [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

I'm sure most developers are practically climbing over each other in their eagerness to answer at this point. Of course code reuse is good. Of course reinventing the wheel is bad. Of course the not-invented-here syndrome is bad.

Pick your core business competencies and goals, and do those in house. If you're a software company, writing excellent code is how you're going to succeed. Go ahead and outsource the company cafeteria and the CD-ROM duplication. If you're a pharmaceutical company, write software for drug research, but don't write your own accounting package. If you're a web accounting service, write your own accounting package, but don't try to create your own magazine ads. If you have customers, never outsource customer service.

Do I regret spending a solid week building a set of HTML sanitization functions for Stack Overflow? Not even a little. There are plenty of sanitization solutions outside the .NET ecosystem, but precious few for C# or VB.NET. I've contributed the core code back to the community, so future .NET adventurers can use our code as a guidepost (or warning sign, depending on your perspective) on their own journey. They can learn from the simple, proven routine we wrote and continue to use on Stack Overflow every day.

Before analyzing the firmware embedded with GoAhead, we should know which version of GoAhead is used so as to learn what vulnerabilities (with CVE IDs) pose a threat to the security of the firmware and, more importantly, base our analysis on the correct source code and rapidly identify key issues.

For better portability with different embedded systems, GoAhead provides very flexible methods to store files. For Linux systems, users are allowed to store files in the file system. For systems like the Embedded Configurable Operating System (eCOS), files are directly built into the firmware in the form of arrays, making an independent file system module unnecessary. In the following source code, the WEBS_PAGE_ROM macro controls how ASP files are stored on different systems. If WEBS_PAGE_ROM is defined, files will be stored in the firmware as arrays.

This article presents a method for extracting ASP files. Simple as the method is, the analysis process can be time-consuming, calling for patience and carefulness. After an ASP file is extracted, you can check its source code to identify potential security issues in the file. The method of auditing code is similar to that of web audits and so is omitted here.

this is Isometric Tanks, my first game. I put a lot of effort to make it presentable and playable and I believe did a decent job, so

go ahead and have fun. Also, source code is fully provided and you are free to do whatever you want with it, provided that you

give the appropriate credit.

Go makes this very simple: for example I can compile the traffic lights example code on my Intel Mac OS computer and output a binary that will run on the ARM based Raspberry Pi running Linux. This is simply a matter of setting some environment variables when compiling:

One of the (many) wonderful things about the Go programming languageis the gofmt tool, which formats your source in a canonicalway. I thought it would be nice to integrate this in my gitworkflow by adding it in a pre-commit hook to automatically format mysource code when I committed it. e24fc04721

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