There are a few ways to make this more interesting for students. One option is starting with a clap and switching to snaps. This requires students to be even quieter to be able to hear the pattern you snap and then repeat it. You can also select a student to lead the clap-in or snap-in to build further investment in the attention-getter. Finally, rather than making up your own pattern, you can work with your students to design a unique clap-in or snap-in pattern for your class.

Your best solution would be to generate your own currentTime number property and synchronize its value to audio.currentTime periodically by using setInterval while the audio is playing, and clear the interval when the audio is paused.

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No discussion about tube rolling is complete unless getters are included. Some ascribe such magical properties to the lowly structure that prices for tubes containing one shape getter over another can be beyond absurd. I've seen discussions in which some claim that they can hear differences in getter configuration in rectifier tubes! To help clear up some of this, I've attached an excerpt from an article featured in vol. 18/#6 of the Tube Collector (with permission from the association president) which explains what a getter is used for. Sorry for the picture, but I don't have a scanner (as all know, I'm thoroughly modern.......).

OK gentlemen, I "get" what a getter does, and how it functions, but your two posts above do nothing to further your "arguments"....The photographed page explains (in part) what a getter is supposed to do, but doesn't say anything about the various shapes, sizes, locations, etc, that people either swear by, or swear at, and how they do or do not affect the performance of a tube. Nor does the statement regarding plate color further the discussion as to whether one color is/is not any better than another? Do you subscribe to the same argument regarding plate structure, smooth or ribbed, long or short? If I take your statements on pure face value, I guess it means that you don't care about these things, and that they don't matter. I can't imagine that's true, so I'm interested in your responses. Hope you have a fine day.

Much common sense above. As far as getters and sound they have nothing really in common. I personally suspect most people realize that..the getter type or placement is an easy way to identify some tube brands and approximate production time frame...

The take home message seems, not to buy into all the claims on the color being emitted, the type of getter, etc. These are just characteristic of the tube type and material. A blue glow may be prettier than the orange but, the change in SQ is really based on the amp design/execution, tube quality, etc.

No doubt in my mind that just like many other types of audio voodoo (like cable risers and boutique capacitors ), that there is much bullshit associated with, if you will, boutique tubes....Which I suppose begs the question....(Everything else being equal, such as circuit, etc) What actually does make up a "high quality" tube? Is it the manufacturing of the glass envelope that is better or worse than others? Is it the type of metal used in the internal construction, the shape, location and size of the getter? I understand the "whatever sounds good to you" line of thinking, but really, there's more to it, yes?

What actually does make up a "high quality" tube? Is it the manufacturing of the glass envelope that is better or worse than others? Is it the type of metal used in the internal construction, the shape, location and size of the getter?

The average audio amp does not require a standby switch, it is a myth. Cathode stripping only occurs at much higher voltages, such as those found in broadcast transmitters. OTOH, a tube amp left on standby for long periods of time will damage tubes, as the filament heat releases electrons from the cathode yet there's no B+ on the plate to attract them, so the vacuum gets filled with strays.

Depending on the hours on these tubes they may be slowing degrading the sound you hear at a rate of continuous audio decline not you cannot perceive. Tubes in my experience die in two ways either suddenly in a flash of bright light or very slowly until they're equally gone. A good quality tube tester and regular testing of in service tubes is one way to avoid tube audio issues.

Another aspect which must be considered for tube longevity is filament voltage. Given that much equipment is made to operate over a wide line voltage range (typically 105-125V), it's possible for the tube filaments to run at more than 10% above their rating. This definitely can shorten their life. It's a good idea, for those technically inclined, to pop out one tube and measure the AC voltage across its filament pins. My recommendation is that if the voltage is higher than the filament rating under your highest line voltage condition, buy a variac and use it to drop the line voltage to ensure correct filament voltage. Although this is likely to reduce the B+ a bit as well, it should not be an issue at all. If anything, the slightly cooler operation of the tubes will increase their longevity even further. Many users of tube audio gear prefer running the equipment at the low end of the recommended line voltage range all the time.

As to standby switching, I agree with EMRR that it is not needed in typical audio equipment. Cathode "poisoning" from having only the filament powered for long periods is a real phenomenon. But for those who want stand-by switching, it's an easy matter to use a high value resistor across the switch to allow a low level of B+ to be present all the time to absorb the electrons generated by the cathode. Closing the switch restores full B+.

A getter is a deposit of reactive material that is placed inside a vacuum system to complete and maintain the vacuum. When gas molecules strike the getter material, they combine with it chemically or by absorption. Thus the getter removes small amounts of gas from the evacuated space. The getter is usually a coating applied to a surface within the evacuated chamber.

A vacuum is initially created by connecting a container to a vacuum pump. After achieving a sufficient vacuum, the container can be sealed, or the vacuum pump can be left running. Getters are especially important in sealed systems, such as vacuum tubes, including cathode ray tubes (CRTs), vacuum insulating glass (or vacuum glass)[1] and vacuum insulated panels, which must maintain a vacuum for a long time. This is because the inner surfaces of the container release absorbed gases for a long time after the vacuum is established. The getter continually removes residues of a reactive gas, such as oxygen, as long as it is desorbed from a surface, or continuously penetrating in the system (tiny leaks or diffusion through a permeable material). Even in systems which are continually evacuated by a vacuum pump, getters are also used to remove residual gas, often to achieve a higher vacuum than the pump could achieve alone. Although it is often present in minute amounts and has no moving parts, a getter behaves in itself as a vacuum pump. It is an ultimate chemical sink for reactive gases.[2][3][4][5][6]

To avoid being contaminated by the atmosphere, the getter must be introduced into the vacuum system in an inactive form during assembly, and activated after evacuation. This is usually done by heat.[7] Different types of getter use different ways of doing this:

Flashed getters are prepared by arranging a reservoir of volatile and reactive material inside the vacuum system. After the system has been evacuated and sealed under rough vacuum, the material is heated (usually by radio frequency induction heating). After evaporating, it deposits as a coating on the interior surfaces of the system. Flashed getters (typically made with barium) are commonly used in vacuum tubes. Most getters can be seen as a silvery metallic spot on the inside of the tube's glass envelope. Large transmission tubes and specialty systems often use more exotic getters, including aluminium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, strontium, caesium, and phosphorus.

If the getter is exposed to atmospheric air (for example, if the tube breaks or develops a leak), it turns white and becomes useless. For this reason, flashed getters are only used in sealed systems. A functioning phosphorus getter looks very much like an oxidised metal getter, although it has an iridescent pink or orange appearance which oxidised metal getters lack. Phosphorus was frequently used before metallic getters were developed.

In systems which need to be opened to air for maintenance, a titanium sublimation pump provides similar functionality to flashed getters, but can be flashed repeatedly. Alternatively, nonevaporable getters may be used.

Those unfamiliar with sealed vacuum devices, such as vacuum tubes/thermionic valves, high-pressure sodium lamps or some types of metal-halide lamps, often notice the shiny flash getter deposit and mistakenly think it is a sign of failure or degradation of the device. Contemporary high-intensity discharge lamps tend to use non-evaporable getters rather than flash getters.

Those familiar with such devices can often make qualitative assessments as to the hardness or quality of the vacuum within by the appearance of the flash getter deposit, with a shiny deposit indicating a good vacuum. As the getter is used up, the deposit often becomes thin and translucent, particularly at the edges. It can take on a brownish-red semi-translucent appearance, which indicates poor seals or extensive use of the device at elevated temperatures. A white deposit, usually barium oxide, indicates total failure of the seal on the vacuum system, as shown in the fluorescent display module depicted above. e24fc04721

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