GNU Make 3.82 Built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Copyright (C) 2010Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 orlater This is free software: youare free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to theextent permitted by law.

First, Make is actually a profound tool. It contains a lot of very basic features, which makes nearly every build scenario you can imagine plausible to be implemented as a Makefile. Make's even Turing-complete. I think that this made the majority of people who develop Make think, that Make is already a perfect tool to do its job.

Gnu Make 3.82 Download


What Make it actually lacks is a "standard library", something that would make using Make more convenient to writing complex stuff. If not that, there's nearly nothing to add to Make. And nearly nothing is added indeed.

An only conclusion I can make is that Make has reached all its capabilities. It's maintained, you know, not by the most stupid people in the world. And even if they can't foster its progress then who could? Perhaps, no one, and that's the point?

But alright, let's observe the changes GNU Make 3.82 brings us. If you go to the official site of GNU Make, it will kindly redirect you to the NEWS file, to get which you should download and unpack the release. But I'll release you from this burden, and quote the file here. Fully. Look:

One of its peculiarities is that by default every software is builtat the user's site. Package manager downloads sources and invokes ./configure; make; make install or whatever is relevant for the package. Since most of the Linux software uses Make to build, incompatible changes in Make's behavior is painful for such a system. That's why I refer to Gentoo bugzilla as to a good reference to bugs introduced by these changes.

GNU naming convention is betrayed, a +1 to the minor version "81" breaks backwards compatibility. One issue with Glibc was noted above. Is there more? Sure. Here's a Gentoo bug that comprises all 3.82 regressions. Currently there's 40 breakages, and the list will most likely grow.

You can define a "generic" rule, and then declare "amendments" to it by specifying, for example, prefixes to the filename, or the folders your target should be in. Now you can do it in arbitrary order, which makes the language more declarative. A good improvement, but, unfortunately, it really introduces nothing what couldn't be done before.

First I thought, at last! I'm tired of writing multiline rules with these \ characters at the ends of the lines (that's especially painful if you have loops or conditionals inside the shell commands). However, I noticed that this is a global setting. So you can't just turn it on for certain rules; if you gonna turn it on, you have to write the whole makefile with these &&-s shell operators to mimic old behavior.

People who are new to make usually complain about the use of the tab character as a recipe prefix (the command part in the rule). Now it is possible to choose any symbol (one character) that you want with the .RECIPEPREFIX special variable, for example:

If you decide to change the prefix, then using a colon is actually not a bad choice since this character is already used by make as a rule separator and is therefore unlikely to appear in target or variable names.

Prior to 3.82 the define operator could only create recursively-expanding variables. It was also not possible to mark the variable as exported or overriding (export and override modifiers). In make 3.82 it is now possible to add a modifier as well as to specify the assignment type (simple, conditional, or appending). Here are a couple of examples:

Now there is also the undefine operator which allows you to completely erase a variable so that it appears as if it was never set. Before, the closest you could get to this behavior is to set the variable to an empty value. However, some GNU make functions, such as $(origin) and $(flavor) will still show the difference between a variable that was never defined and the one that contains an empty value.

In GNU make it is possible to set a variable in a target-specific manner. Such a variable is only visible in the scope of this target, that is, in the rule recipes and when setting other target-specific variables. For example:

One curious feature of target-specific variables in GNU make is the inheritance of such variables by the prerequisites of this target, provided that the making of the target triggered the making of the prerequisite. The following makefile fragment is the canonical motivating example for this feature:

While this feature could be useful, such uncontrolled inheritance can also cause problems. There is also the view that building the same prerequisite differently depending on which target triggered the rebuild is a bad idea (consider what will happen in the above example if we had an up-to-date driver.o file that was created with the make release invocation).

Here we want to use a special rule to compile position-independent code and the normal rule otherwise. The problem is that the normal rule will also match the position-independent files. It is easy to fix this makefile by simply reordering the rules. However, this approach may not scale to more complex, multi-makefile build systems. To address this issue, GNU make now tries the rules in the shortest stem first order which results in the more specific rules being preferred over the more generic ones.

Robert Haas writes:

> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 1:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

>> I tried to reproduce this on my own Fedora 14 box, and couldn't.

>> I cd'd to src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc and did several repetitions of


>> make maintainer-clean

>> make -j


>> and every time, make carefully waited until bison was done before

>> launching the compiles of preproc.o, parser.o, and the other files

>> that are declared to depend on preproc.h.

In that case it's a make bug, which you should file with the proper

authorities. I could believe it was our problem if it manifested when

starting from src/interfaces/ecpg, but none of the higher-level

makefiles know anything about subdirectories of ecpg.

>> I *can* reproduce failures if I do the same thing one directory level

>> up, in src/interfaces/ecpg. But those are caused by the other sub-makes

>> not waiting for include/ecpg_config.h to get built. Fixing that is

>> beyond my level of make-fu.

From: Paul Smith To: Subject: GNU Make 4.0 released Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 02:47:09 -0400Message-ID: GNU Make 4.0 has been released and is available now for download: -4.0.tar.gz b5e558f981326d9ca1bfdb841640721a -4.0.tar.bz2 571d470a7647b455e3af3f92d79f1c18Or one of the mirrors listed in redirected to a nearby mirror at The make utility automatically determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues commands to recompile them.More information about make at: reports/announcements at: new features available in this release of GNU Make:* New feature: GNU Guile integration This version of GNU make can be compiled with GNU Guile integration. GNU Guile serves as an embedded extension language for make. See the "Guile Function" section in the GNU Make manual for details. Currently GNU Guile 1.8 and 2.0+ are supported.* New command line option: --output-sync (-O) enables grouping of output by target or by recursive make. This is useful during parallel builds to avoid mixing output from different jobs together giving hard-to-understand results.* New command line option: --trace enables tracing of targets. When enabled the recipe to be invoked is printed even if it would otherwise be suppressed by .SILENT or a "@" prefix character. Also before each recipe is run the makefile name and linenumber where it was defined are shown as well as the prerequisites that caused the target to be considered out of date.* New command line option argument: --debug now accepts a "n" (none) flag which disables all debugging settings that are currently enabled.* New feature: The "job server" capability is now supported on Windows. Implementation contributed by Troy Runkel * New feature: The .ONESHELL capability is now supported on Windows. Support added by Eli Zaretskii .* New feature: "!=" shell assignment operator as an alternative to the $(shell ...) function. Implemented for compatibility with BSD makefiles. Note there are subtle differences between "!=" and $(shell ...). See the description in the GNU make manual. WARNING: Backward-incompatibility! Variables ending in "!" previously defined as "variable!= value" will now be interpreted as shell assignment. Change your assignment to add whitespace between the "!" and "=": "variable! = value"* New feature: "::=" simple assignment operator as defined by POSIX in 2012. This operator has identical functionality to ":=" in GNU make, but will be portable to any implementation of make conforming to a sufficiently new version of POSIX (see =330). It is not necessary to define the .POSIX target to access this operator.* New function: $(file ...) writes to a file.* Setting the -r and -R options in MAKEFLAGS inside a makefile now works as expected, removing all built-in rules and variables, respectively.Plus other enhancements, and over 80 bugs fixed since the last release._______________________________________________Make-alpha mailing -alpha (Log in to post comments) GNU Make 4.0 released Posted Oct 9, 2013 14:16 UTC (Wed) by josh (subscriber, #17465) [Link]

This bug is the reason why make 3.82, released in 2011, still sits in Debian experimental and hasn't yet graduated to unstable where it might form part of a release. Make 4.0 seems likely to suffer the same fate.

 GNU Make 4.0 released Posted Oct 9, 2013 15:35 UTC (Wed) by cesarb (subscriber, #6266) [Link]

However, since in order to implement output-sync we must redirect the output of recipes to a file so it can be sync'd, tools that are invoked by make are not attached to a TTY.

It would be nice if such tools had an option that said "I know stdout doesn't look like a terminal, but please generate colorized output anyway". But as far as I know it doesn't.

 GNU Make 4.0 released Posted Oct 10, 2013 6:24 UTC (Thu) by josh (subscriber, #17465) [Link] 2351a5e196

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