Triple Sandwich Recipe

This colourful sandwich is a good source of protein and can be eaten as a light snack for lunch or dinner. It also works well in lunchboxes and as finger food at posh parties.

I discovered this classic sandwich recipe, which comes from Peru, while trying to find a name for the previous trick. I was going to call it "Triple Sandwich", but a Google search of that name caused me to stumble upon this recipe, so I decided to call it "Peruvian Sandwich" instead (this name makes the trick sound far more mysterious).

A "Triple" (el "treep-lay") in Peru is a sandwich with three basic ingredients: avocado, hard-boiled egg and tomato. Triples are a culinary institution in Peru, where fresh avocados are plentiful.




Most people remove the crusts when making Triples. I don't usually do this because this seems like a waste of good bread. However, if I was serving these at a party, I would remove the crusts because the sandwich looks more refined when presented this way.

Try experimenting with different fillings, such as chicken mayonnaise. You can also add some chilli or Tabasco sauce to the filling for some added kick. In Peru, a variety of chilli pepper called Aji Panca, with a fruity flavour and smoky aromatic taste, is sometimes added to a Triple. Thinly sliced cucumber often makes an appearance too.

It should be noted that this is a fairly healthy sandwich, so long as you go easy on the mayonnaise!