The Link Between Sleep and Blood Sugar Control

Many diabetics feel harassed by loved ones who are always inquiring about their blood sugars and testing habits. Instead of becoming frustrated or resentful, sit down with the other person and clearly Gluconite reviews identify what steps they can take in order to more effectively contribute to managing your condition. Chances are, the other person is not trying to irritate you, but instead is looking for ways to help out.

If you are diabetic, watch for symptoms of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. These symptoms can include clammy hands, mouth numbness, and feeling extremely thirsty. Low blood sugar can lead to serious health complications if it is not immediately addressed. To counteract symptoms, eat a natural form of sugar and follow with a source of protein. Be sure to consult your doctors if symptoms do not improve.

If you have diabetes, it is extremely important to care for your feet on a daily basis. By doing so, you can detect any problems before they become serious. Nerve damage can cause a small wound to go undetected. It is very easy for wounds on the feet to develop infections, which can lead to gangrene if left untreated. Wash and dry your feet carefully every day, keeping an eye out for any cuts or scratches that don't seem to be healing. Also look for signs of inflammation, such as redness or swelling, and black or blue areas that appear to be bruised, which can be a sign of poor blood flow.

Use single serving bags for your snacks. Usually after one bag, you won't eat more than that. Sometimes, the cost of single serving snacks can deter you away from buying them, but you can also buy them as you normally would and separate them into snack bags when you get home from the grocery store.