Just had to create these 2 files, set version info in the delphi dproj file to OFF, and then add the specific .rc file to the module's dproj where I want it to appear, in this case a minor delphi project:

Make sure you have the Regenerate Resource option checked (on the delphi actions Project property page). If that is checked, the next thing to do is have a look in the project folder, there should be a projectname.rc file there that FinalBuilder generates. Open it in notepad and check that the version info is correct. If so then that would suggest that the compiler is not linking the generated .res file. You should have a {$R *.res} line in your projectname.dpr file somewhere. 



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Just for complement the answer of Johan check this entry on my blog List of changes between versions of Delphi (Since Delphi 5) and the excellent page The TIndex which list most of the new features since delphi 2005 and resources about each one.

Search your computer for a file named "sInternalSkins.pas". Be sure, the path of this file is included as a path in your delphi library pathes. If not, include this path in delphi options. If you do not have the *.pas, you have to find the dcu-File that was compiled with your delphi compiler version. Maybe you have the correct dcu but your search-path points to a wrong path with the wrong version of the dcu. Different versions of DCU's are often stored in different directories, one for each delphi version, if source is not part of the component. (I personally never use components without source...)

For instance if your application relies on BDE (Borland Database Engine) that shipped with older versions of Delphi you Will be forced to do Quite some changes to properly set up the FireDac database framework that ships with newer delphi versions.

We recently purchased a copy of AQTime pro (version 8.80.3749.7) for using on an old legacy D7 project and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the allocation profiler to work with applications built with runtime packages option. Initially we thought this might be something to do with our delphi project itself but I went and created a very simple test project with a small class contained in a bpl in order to see if I could get this working. This is a very basic test app written for the sole purpose of trying to get AQtime to respond. we do not have any custom memory managers and Delphi 7 is updated to build 8.1 and I have also attached the test project for you in case it helps.

I suspected it may have something to do with the project being build with the debug version in place in the windows system folder so I rebuilt again with the original borland bpl back in place and sure enough the allocation profiler still seems to be working. Why this is so I'm at a loss to explain yet but it seems creating the debug version seemed to blow the cobwebs out from under something somewhere in my aqtime\delphi setup so to speak.

- create a new delphi package project

- compile and you should get a message dialog to add rtl package to the requires section if its not already there

- go to project manager and expand the package requires section

- right click on rtl package and select open this should open the rtl package project.

- Create a new project folder where desired to save this debug version

- now save the rtl project as rtl70.dpk in your folder created above. (you can ignore the initial package project its only use is a means of opening the rtl package)

- now open project options for newly saved rtl70 package

- on description tab add a suffix to the description eg: Borland Run Time Library 70 (Debug)

- on linker and compiler tabs: set the debug flags for your delphi version as per AQtime documentation, I also included debug dcu option.


- Save Project again

**) when building rtl70 I got missing .dcu references to two files namely VarHlpr.dcu and StrHlpr.dcu.

I couldn't find either a .pas or .dcu version of these anywhere in my install nor any references in delphi installed .pas files so commented them out of the package for now.

(this may come back to bite me later, so I will endevor to find a copy of these .pas files) be457b7860

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