Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 We are committed to protecting the privacy of our mobile application users.

1.2 This policy applies where we act as a data controller of the user’s personal data; in other words, we determine the purposes and means of processing that personal data.

1.3 Our Apps contain privacy and notification controls, which affect how we process your personal data.

1.4 By using the privacy controls, you can specify whether you wish to receive direct marketing communications and weather notifications. You can access privacy controls through the settings menu.

2. Data collection

2.1 Device model: We need to obtain your device model, such as Android model or iOS model, iPhone7, iPhone8, iPhoneX, etc.;

2.2 System version: We need to collect the system version used by your device;

2.3 Device language: We may need to obtain the language used by your device;

2.4 Device ID: We need to obtain your device ID. Please note that the device ID is not your account ID. Our products do not require registration, so we will not obtain your personal ID;

2.5 Location: In order to better provide you with weather information, we need to obtain your location permission.

2.6 Crash logs: We need to collect app crash logs at specific times to improve and optimize the product and provide you with better services.

3. Data use

3.1 Device information: We will use your device model, system version, device language, and device ID for analysis to improve and optimize our products; we may also use these data to push personalized information to you.

3.2 Location information: But we will only obtain information about your city, not your precise location. You can choose not to authorize location information, but this way we cannot provide weather information more conveniently. You will need to manually enter the name of your city to obtain weather information.

3.3 Information sharing: We may share the above information with third-party advertisers, but please rest assured that our products do not require registration, nor do you need to fill in any personal information, including name, gender, age, financial information, etc., so we will not Collection and use of your personal account information.

4. Updates to the Privacy Agreement

We may update the Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in product functionality and changes in legal requirements. The updated Privacy Agreement will be posted on our website, and your continued use of our products will be deemed to have accepted the updated Privacy Agreement.

If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact our customer service team. Thank you for your trust and support!