Global Neuroscience Social 2022
How to prepare for the next steps

Tuesday Nov 15, 6:45-8:45pm

Mariott Marquis - Grand Ballroom 4

Don't you miss casual off-poster chats with people at SfN meetings?

These conversations are tremendously helpful for your career building.

The Global Neuroscience Social is coming back in-person this year!

You can casually chat with more experienced scientists and hear their experience.


7:00 – 7:30pm

Workshop on career building

Moderated by Izumi Fukunaga (OIST) and Kei Igarashi (UC Irvine)

Panelist 1: Takaki Komiyama (UCSD)

Panelist 3: Megan Peters (UC Irvine)

Panelist 3: Josh Johansen (RIKEN CBS, Japan)

7:00pm –


Chat with our guest with various international experiences!


Takaki Komiyama (UCSD)


Megan Peters (UC Irvine)


Joshua Johansen (RIKEN CBS)



Izumi Fukunaga (OIST)


Kei Igarashi (UC Irvine)


Guest and discussion leaders

Randy Bruno (Oxford)


Sheena Josselyn (U Tronto)


Global Neuroscience Social

Founder/Secretary: Izumi Fukunaga (OIST) & Kei Igarashi (UC Irvine)

Contact: kei.igarashi[at]