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Esther Williams

Esther Williams

Edith Head

Edith Head

Gale Gordon

Gale Gordon

Derek Jacobi

Derek Jacobi

Danny Kaye

Danny Kaye

Lance Loud and Jackie Homer

Lance Loud and Jackie Homer

Jane Russell and John Peoples

Jane Russell and John Peoples

Barnaby Conrad and Jackie Collins

Barnaby Conrad and Jackie Collins

Bianca Jagger

Bianca Jagger

Rosario Curletti

Rosario Curletti

Ganna Walska

Ganna Walska

Pearl Chase and Oscar Sepulveda

Pearl Chase and Oscar Sepulveda

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury

Lutah Maria Riggs

Lutah Maria Riggs

Alice Tweed Tuohy

Alice Tweed Tuohy

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Gledhill Library
Publication Rights: Property rights reside with the Santa Barbara Historical Museum. For permissions to reproduce or to publish, please contact the Head Archivist of the Gledhill Library.