One of the common tasks of cloud administrator is to manage cloud images i.e uploading and downloading cloud images. In OpenStack cloud images are controlled and managed by image service known as glance. In most of the setup glance service is placed on the controller node and cloud images are stored at the location /var/lib/glance/images.

HMAC key to use for encrypting context data forperformance profiling of operation. This key should bethe value of HMAC key configured in osprofilermiddleware in glance, it is specified in glanceconfiguration file at /etc/glance/glance-api.conf and/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf. Without key theprofiling will not be triggered even if osprofiler isenabled on server side. Defaults to env[OS_PROFILE].

Glance Image-download Example

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Some resource types allow more than one key / valuepair per instance. For example, Cinder allows user andimage metadata on volumes. Only the image propertiesmetadata is evaluated by Nova (scheduling or drivers).This property allows a namespace target to remove theambiguity.

This guide shows you how download Openstack Images to your local machine usingthe command line Glance client. You can use this, for example, to download acopy of an image created from a VM, or to download the images your Openstackprovider provides and adapt those.

This is the service which holds all the images. Images can be used to boot a VMfrom. Images can be prepared with tools like cloud-init to make them behavebetter in a cloud environment, for example, setting an SSH key or password atboot.

When you've created a computerc file and loaded it up in your shell you canstart the process. You need the UUID of the image you want to download. Get alist of all images using the glance image-list command:

I am trying to write a python program to download images from glance service. However, I could not find a way to download images from the cloud using the API. In the documentation which can be found here:

Note that hw_disk_bus=scsi and hw_scsi_model=virtio-scsi select the virtio-scsi driver instead of the virtio-blk, which is nicer (on older versions of Qemu, virtio-blk doesn't have the FSTRIM feature, for example). Also, the properties os_type, os_distro, os_version and os_admin_user are OpenStack standards as per this document. It is best practice to set them, especialy on public clouds, to allow your cloud users to filter the image list to search what they need, for example using a command like this one: openstack image list --property os_distro=debian How can I verify my download is correct and exactly what has been created by Debian? For the current official images (in the per-distribution directories), the safest method is to download the image and checksum files over TLS from or These names support DNSSEC, so a validating resolver can ensure that a client is connected to a Debian host. And TLS ensures that the data is not manipulated in flight.

As glance deal with instance image, it appear that they are majorly composedof null bytes sequence to represent the whole disk size of the instances, byexemple the 8GB base CentOS 7 cloud image contain 1GB of data for 7GB ofholes, so it will significantly optimize storage usage and upload time.

We can see here that the checksum of the downloaded file, either sparse or notstay the same, so it should not have impact on the file integrity. In bothcase, the glance image-download command will produce a non sparse filebecause download process just read the file in the backend chunk after chunk,so null byte sequence will be read, sparse file or not.

As an administrator I can obviously log in to the storage host and create a new glance image directly from the volume block device, but this isn't an avenue available to anyone interacting via the API or web GUI.

I've successfully built images for openstack using KVM on my local linux machine using a local disk image file (raw or qcow2), converted the image file to a compressed qcow2, and uploaded that with glance.

This is an old question, but what you want to do is use kvm to make a raw disk image using the cdrom iso file and an empty volume. Then, you can upload the raw disk to glance and use it to boot others.

The major Linux distributions are known for providing images ready for download (for example Ubuntu or CentOS). Even though the same does not apply to Windows due to licensing constraints, Microsoft has granted the rights to distribute Windows trial images for OpenStack to Cloudbase Solutions, along with a specific End User License Agreement (EULA) that limits the usage to evaluation purposes only, excluding, in particular, any commercial usage (see EULA below).

While an image's status is exposed to the end user, the status transitions are managed by Glance. Image status is a reflection of the result of operations that Glance has been asked to perform relative to the image. Use of PATCH implies that 'status' is something that can be directly modified, like the image's name, for example. By using dedicated API calls to deactivate/reactivate an image, we respect the current use of the image status field.

Deactivating an image aims to essentially restrict any further instance builds from it. To achieve this, we propose to prohibit image downloads on a deactivated image. By also changing the status of the image, we can signal to image consumers who do caching that the image should no longer be used. For example, Nova checks the status of an image and only proceeds with the download-and-boot process if the image has status 'active'. Thus, if there's a cached copy of this image around, nova won't use it.

There may be a use case for allowing a user to deactivate an image, but we see this primarily as an admin operation. If it's exposed to users, then they could reactivate an image that the glance admin has placed under investigation. Hence this operation should be restricted to admins.

But what if we want some configurations/actions on different parts of the instance's life cycle and not just at early boot? For example, if we're using the OpenStack autoscaling service, our servers will be added and deleted automatically without human intervention. "When any of these servers are determined to be ended, they need some time to clean themselves and need some configuration (e.g. ending active sessions, closing active connections to other services, etc.).

The agents can be installed on boot (via a script that installs the agents on boot, or with definitions in Heat template). Here I'll discuss how to install the agents in the image. The agents we will use in this example are: heat-config, os-collect-config, os-refresh-config, os-apply-config, heat-config-cfn-init, heat-config-puppet, heat-config-salt, and heat-config-script.

For this example, I am assuming that you have your own OpenStack-ready image and you want to add the Heat agents to your image. I will use the Diskimage-builder to build the image. Diskimage-builder (DIB) is an open source project managed by HP, Red Hat, and Cisco and licensed under the Apache License (version 2.0). My operating system is Fedora 21, and in this example I will build a CentOS 7 custom image with Heat support.


Step 5 Wait for the members to start and for the secondary members to synchronize, then run --get_replica_status to check the health of the database.


Step 6 To restore Session Manager database, use one of the following example commands depending on whether the backup was performed with --mongo-all or --mongo option:

It is usually placed in Glance image directory (for example /opt/stack/data/glance/images/). We assume the format is QEMU QCOW Image (v2). OpenStack Image Services (API v2.0) allow to get the VM disk image through an HTTP GET at v2/images/{image_id}/file .You can also use glance client (see the annexe for further information on installation and version): $ glance -I -K -T -N /v2.0 image-download --progress --file 2. Convert vmdisk.qcow2 into a vmdisk.vmdk format (supported by VMWare)

Not all images can be exported. Rackspace has licensing agreementswith some providers of Rackspace public images that prohibit us fromexporting any images of servers created from these public images. Forexample, Windows Server images cannot be exported.

That said, whether to use RAW or QCOW2 depends on the storage backend and features you will need. Almost all Mirantis customers, for example, should be using RAW, which is the only format that deploys instances using Ceph's Copy-on-Write feature, saving time and space.

One caveat at this time is that the Glance V2 API does not seem to allow for setting an option when uploading an image as to which backend to use. Thus, with Glance V2 you will always be using the default_store, which in this example is Swift.

Under the Name field, specify a name for the project. This example project is called Development. You can also add Project Members and Project Groups but we are not going to cover those yet. Click Create Project to finish creating the first project.

For Role there are several options depending on the level of access required. The default OpenStack roles are reader, member, and admin. Additional roles also exist in the drop down. Reader is the least authoritative role in the hierarchy. For this example, choose member for the role.

Flavors are a way to define the VCPUs, RAM, and Disk space used by an instance. Pre-built flavors are available for you. For this step, select an appropriate flavor from the options under the Available heading. This example uses the m1.small flavor. Click the up arrow to move it to the Allocated section.

In this section, you specify the network with which the instance is associated. For this example, select the Private network created previously. You can choose the External network as well, but this is generally recommended against in favor of using a floating IP should your instance require Internet connectivity. 2351a5e196

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