Planning from Pixels using Inverse Dynamics Models

Anonymous Authors


Learning task-agnostic dynamics models in high-dimensional observation spaces can be challenging for model-based RL agents. We propose a novel way to learn latent world models by learning to predict sequences of future actions conditioned on task completion. These task-conditioned models adaptively focus modeling capacity on task-relevant dynamics, while simultaneously serving as an effective heuristic for planning with sparse rewards. We evaluate our method on challenging visual goal completion tasks and show a substantial increase in performance compared to prior model-free approaches.

Goal Achievement Visualizations

The following animations show a GLAMOR agent achieving goals in all tested environments. Goals are blended with the animation of the agent attempting to reach them.

See for visualizations of DISCERN, which was used as a baseline.


Riverraid, Bowling, Boxing, Montezuma's Revenge, Breakout, Tennis, SeaquestQ*bert, Pong, Private Eye, Ms Pacman, Frostbite, Skiing, Pitfall

DeepMind Control Suite

manipulator/bring_ball, point_mass/easy, pendulum/swingup, cartpole/balance, ball_in_cup/catch, reacher/hard, finger/spin

Termination Strategy Visualizations

By explicitely planning to reach the goal at the end of the episode, GLAMOR can perform well on cartpole even without the ability evaluate goal-achievement early.

Early Termination

Naive Termination (end of episode)

Planned Termination (end of episode)