The author has aimed to prepare a text-book on human physiology for use inhigher schools. The design of the book is to furnish a practical manual ofthe more important facts and principles of physiology and hygiene, whichwill be adapted to the needs of students in high schools, normal schools,and academies.

A mere knowledge of the facts which can be gained in secondary schools,concerning the anatomy and physiology of the human body, is of little realvalue or interest in itself. Such facts are important and of practicalworth to young students only so far as to enable them to understand therelation of these facts to the great laws of health and to apply them todaily living. Hence, it has been the earnest effort of the author in thisbook, as in his other physiologies for schools, to lay special emphasisupon such points as bear upon personal health.

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Physiology cannot be learned as it should be by mere book study. Theresult will be meagre in comparison with the capabilities of the subject.The study of the text should always be supplemented by a series ofpractical experiments. Actual observations and actual experiments are asnecessary to illuminate the text and to illustrate important principles inphysiology as they are in botany, chemistry, or physics. Hence, assupplementary to the text proper, and throughout the several chapters, aseries of carefully arranged and practical experiments has been added. Forthe most part, they are simple and can be performed with inexpensive andeasily obtained apparatus. They are so arranged that some may be omittedand others added as circumstances may allow.

The author has aimed to embody in simple and concise language the latestand most trustworthy information which can be obtained from the standardauthorities on modern physiology, in regard to the several topics.

Human physiology describes the various processes that go on in thehuman body in health. It treats of the work done by the various parts ofthe body, and of the results of the harmonious action of the severalorgans. Broadly speaking, physiology is the science which treats offunctions. By the word function is meant the special work which anorgan has to do. An organ is a part of the body which does a specialwork. Thus the eye is the organ of sight, the stomach of digestion, andthe lungs of breathing.

It is plain that we cannot understand the physiology of our bodies withouta knowledge of their anatomy. An engineer could not understand the workingof his engine unless well acquainted with all its parts, and the manner inwhich they were fitted together. So, if we are to understand theprinciples of elementary physiology, we must master the main anatomicalfacts concerning the organs of the body before considering their specialfunctions.

As a branch of study in our schools, physiology aims to make clear certain lawswhich are necessary to health, so that by a proper knowledge of them, and theirpractical application, we may hope to spend happier and more useful, becausehealthier, lives. In brief, the study of hygiene, or the science ofhealth, in the school curriculum, is usually associated with that ofphysiology.[1]

A vigorous body is well-nigh essential to success, but equally importantare readiness of action, sound judgment, good temper, personal courage, asense of fair play, and above all, a spirit of honor. Outdoor games, whenplayed in a reasonable and honorable manner, are most efficient andpractical means to develop these qualities in young people.

The heart is a hollow organ, but the cavity is divided into two parts by amuscular partition forming a left and a right side, between which there isno communication. These two cavities are each divided by a horizontalpartition into an upper and a lower chamber. These partitions, however,include a set of valves which open like folding doors between the tworooms. If these doors are closed there are two separate rooms, but if openthere is practically only one room. The heart thus has four chambers, twoon each side. The two upper chambers are called auricles from theirsupposed resemblance to the ear. The two lower chambers are calledventricles, and their walls form the chief portion of the muscularsubstance of the organ. There are, therefore, the right and left auricles,with their thin, soft walls, and the right and left ventricles, with theirthick and strong walls.

The practical working of this heat-regulating mechanism is well shown byexercise. The bodily temperature rarely rises so much as a degree duringvigorous exercise. The respiration is increased, the cutaneous capillariesbecome dilated from the quickened circulation, and a larger amount ofblood is circulating through the skin. Besides this, the skin perspiresfreely. A large amount of heat is thus lost to the body, sufficient tooffset the addition caused by the muscular contractions.

The elimination of these products is brought about by a special apparatuscalled organs of excretion. The worn-out substances themselvesare called excretions, as opposed to secretions, which areelaborated for use in the body. (See note, p. 121.) As already shown, thelungs are the main channels for the elimination of carbon dioxid, andof a portion of water as vapor. By the skin the body gets rid of asmall portion of salts, a little carbon dioxid, and a largeamount of water in the form of perspiration. From the kidneysare eliminated nearly all the urea and allied bodies, the mainportion of the salts, and a large amount of water. In fact,practically all the nitrogenous waste leaves the body by the kidneys.

Silk ranks next to wool in warmth and porosity. It is much softer andless irritating than flannel or merino, and is very useful for summerwear. The practical objection to its general use is the expense. Furranks with wool as a bad conductor of heat. It does not, however, likewool, allow of free evaporation. Its use in cold countries is universal,but in milder climates it is not much worn.

It is sound physiology, as well as good morals and manners, to ceasefrom the usual routine of six days of mental or physical work, and restboth the mind and the body on the seventh. Those who have succeeded bestin what they have undertaken, and who have enjoyed sound health during along and useful life, have studiously lived up to the mandates of thisgreat physiological law. It is by no means certain that the tendencynowadays to devote the Sabbath to long trips on the bicycle, tiresomeexcursions by land and sea, and sight-seeing generally, affords that realrest from a physiological point of view which nature demands after sixdays of well-directed manual or mental labor.

Every teacher of elocution or of vocal music, entrusted with the trainingof a voice of some value to its possessor, should have a good, practicalknowledge of the mechanism of the voice. Good voices are often injured byinjudicious management on the part of some incompetent instructor. It isalways prudent to cease speaking or singing in public the moment there isany hoarseness or sore throat.

In fact, what we have studied in the preceding chapters becomes tenfoldmore interesting, instructive, and of value to us, if we are able tosupplement such study with its practical application to the treatment ofthe more common and less serious accidents and emergencies.

While the practical process of making some form of alcoholic beverage hasbeen understood for these many centuries, the real reason of thisremarkable change in a wholesome fruit juice was not known until revealedby recent progress in chemistry, and by the use of the microscope. We knownow that the change is due to fermentation, brought about from theinfluence, and by the action, of bacteria (sec. 125).

In water tainted with organic matter putrefactive bacteria will flourish,whereas pure water is fatal to their existence. Surface water, because itcomes from that part of the soil where bacteria are most active, and wherethere is most organic matter, generally contains great quantities of theseorganisms. In the deeper strata of the soil there is practically nodecomposition of organic matter going on, hence, water taken from deepsources is comparatively free from bacteria. For this reason, deep wellwater is greatly to be preferred for drinking purposes to that fromsurface wells.

Hence in the study of physiology in schools many things must be taken forgranted. The observation and experience of medical men, and theexperiments of the physiologist in his laboratory must be depended uponfor data which cannot be well obtained at first hand by young students.

The experimental method of instruction rivets the attention and arouses andkeeps alive the interest of the young student; in fact, it is the only truemethod of cultivating a scientific habit of study[57]. The subject-matter as setforth on the printed pages of this book should be mastered, of course, but atthe same time the topics discussed should be illuminated and made moreinteresting and practical by a well-arranged series of experiments, a goodlyshow of specimens, and a certain amount of microscopical work.

It will be noticed that many of the experiments in the preceding chaptersof this book can be performed with very simple, and often a crude andhome-made sort of apparatus. This plan has been rigidly followed by theauthor, first, because he fully realizes the limitations and restrictionsof the subject; and secondly, because he wishes to emphasize the fact thatexpensive and complicated apparatus is by no means necessary to illustratethe great principles of anatomy and physiology.

Faculty and students of medical schools in India are also of the opinion that animal experiments should be discontinued and the curriculum in experimental physiology and pharmacology needs to be updated which results in same understanding of topics could be obtained by using alternative methods. Thus, there is an urgent need to introduce alternative to animal experiments [5-7]. ff782bc1db

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