I am a doctoral researcher in the Department of Law, Maynooth University. My research interests are Artificial Intelligence Law, Data Protection, UAVs, and Human Rights. I hold a BSc in law (Marmara University, 2012) and a master’s degree in human rights (Ankara University, 2020). Click here for the abstract of my master’s thesis in English. 

I have been nominated for the Standards + Innovation Awards in 2024 by the National Standards Authority of Ireland.

So far, I have studied freedom of speech, hate crimes, conflict analysis and resolution, right to free elections, aviation law, unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs).  I worked for the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Republic of Turkey as an aviation expert for six years. 

Selected publications:

Find out more about my publications at my Research Gate profile

You can also visit my Linkedin page for my professional background. 

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