Gi woong choi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Instructional Design and Technology at University of Cincinnati
Address: TEACHER-DYER 615K, 2610 McMicken Cir, Cincinnati OH 45221-0022
E-Mail: giwoong.choi at
My name is Gi Woong Choi (최지웅), and I am an educational researcher. I currently work as an Assistant Professor of Instructional Design and Technology at University of Cincinnati. Before coming to University of Cincinnati, I was an Assistant Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at SUNY Oswego. I am a learning scientist by training and have a background in human-computer interaction and user experience. My current research interests include AI in education, mobile learning, informal learning, problem-solving, makerspaces, educational affordances of technologies, learning technologies in higher education, HCI in education, etc.
Academic Background
Ph.D. in Learning, Design, and Technology, Penn State University, 2018
M.S. in Cognitive Science and Engineering (Concentration: Human-Computer Interaction), Yonsei University, Korea, 2009
B.S. in BioSystems (Currently Known as Bio and Brain Engineering), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 2007
Professional Background
Assistant Professor of Instructional Design and Technology, School of Education, CECH, University of Cincinnati, 2020-Present
Assistant Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science Department, SUNY Oswego, 2018-2020
Graduate Assistant, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Penn State, 2013-2018
Graduate Assistant, Learning, Design, and Technology Program, Penn State, 2012-2013
Game User Experience Designer, XL Games, Seoul, Korea, 2010-2012
GUI Researcher, MacroImpact, Seoul, Korea, 2009-2010
Graduate Researcher, Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Yonsei University, Korea, 2007-2009
Selected Publications
Kim, S. H., Choi, G. W., & Jung, Y. J. (2020). Design principles for transforming making programs into online settings at public libraries. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(7/8), 619-630. DOI: 10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0110
Land, S. M., Zimmerman, H. T., Millet, C., Choi, G. W. (2020). Supporting Observing-on-the-Move with Proximity-Based Technology: Designing for Children’s Scientific Observations Outdoors, Visitor Studies, DOI: 10.1080/10645578.2020.1773720
Choi G. W., Moon J., Do J., Lee D. (2020). Open Educational Resources in Korea. In: Huang R., Liu D., Tlili A., Gao Y., Koper R. (eds) Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-3040-1_5
Moon, J., Do, J., Lee, D., Choi, G. W. (2020). A conceptual framework for teaching computational thinking in personalized OERs. Smart Learning Environments 7(6), 6 (2020). DOI: 10.1186/s40561-019-0108-z
Choi, G. W., Land, S. M., & Zimmerman, H. T. (2018). Investigating children’s deep learning of the tree life cycle using mobile technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, 470-479. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.04.020
Choi, G. W., Pursel, B. K., & Stubbs, C. (2017). Supporting educational games in higher education: The creation and implementation of custom game engine for a university. TechTrends, 61(4), 341-348.
Choi, G. W., Land, S. M., & Zimmerman, H. T. (2016). Educational affordances of tablet-mediated collaboration to support distributed leadership in small group outdoor activities. Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016, Vol 2, Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences. pp. 882-885.
Pursel, B. K., Zhang, L., Jablokow, K., Choi, G. W., & Velegol, D. (2016). Understanding MOOC students: Motivations and behaviors indicative of MOOC completion. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(3), 202-217. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12131
Zimmerman, H. T., Land, S. M., McClain, L. R., Mohney, M. R., Choi, G. W., & Salman, F. H. (2013). Tree Investigators: Supporting families' scientific talk in an arboretum with mobile computers. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 5(1), 44-67.
Choi, G. W., Kim, S., Kim, J., Lee, I., & Kim, J. (2012). Qualitative cross-cultural study on the expression and perception of digital images: Focusing on cultural schema, International Journal of Contents, 8(4), 77-86.
Lee, I., Choi, G. W., Kim J., Kim, S., Lee, K., Kim, D., Han, M., Park, S.Y., & An, Y. (2008) Cultural dimensions for user experience: Cross-country and cross-product analysis of users’ cultural characteristics. Proceedings of the 22nd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Culture, Creativity, Interaction-Volume 1, Liverpool, UK, pp. 3-12.