Giulio Grossi
Post-Doc in Statistics @University of Florence
Hi! I'm a Post Doc in Statistics at the University of Florence.
During my Ph.D. I have devoted my attention to the study of methods for panel data in causal inference, advised by prof. Alessandra Mattei.
Currently, I am also working with prof. Emilia Rocco to develop novel methods to assess socio-economic performances.
Prior to the Ph.D., I graduated summa cum laude in Economics at the University of Florence, have joined the CINTURS in Faro, PT, and worked as research fellow in IRPET - Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica Toscana, in Florence, IT.
My research spans focuses on Causal Inference themes in non-trivial settings, such as longitudinal studies, interference between units and optimal policy learning.
In God we trust, all others brings data - W.E.Deming