Reading Course on Birational Geometry

The reading group took place almost every Tuesday from 11:00 to 13:00; we started in January 2023 and ended in May 2023. We had fifteen two-hours long seminars, given by Nelson Alvarado, Giusi Capobianco, Cipriani Samuele, Nicola Ottolino and Vacca Roberto. They were supervised by G. Codogni and A. Rapagnetta.

We roughly covered Chapters 1,2, 3 and 5 of the book "Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties", by J. Kollár and S. Mori, topics included: rational curves, bend-and-break theorem, cone theorem for smooth and singular varieties, basic notions about the Minimal Model Program, singularities of the Minimal Model Program, and inversion of adjunction.  We also discussed  the approach to Fujita conjecture via multiplier ideal sheaves.