Giulia Bernardini

e-mail: <name.surname>

Current position 

Assistant professor at the University of Trieste (RTDA)

Previous positions 

Postdoc at CWI Amsterdam (2021). Advisor: Prof. Leen Stougie

Ph.D. candidate at the University of Milano - Bicocca (Biaslab) (2017-2021).  Thesis: Combinatorial Methods for the Analysis of Related Genomic Sequences



Best Italian PhD Thesis in Theoretical Computer Science 2021 (awarded by the Italian Chapter of EATCS

Research interests

Teaching and professional activities

Publications  (dblp)

Interesting (to me) links

Zooniverse - an amazing platform for people-powered research, with dozens of wonderful projects to participate in

Giò&Giulia - a live  cam on the nest of two peregrine falcons on top of the Pirellone building in Milan

The Cornell Lab - live cams on red-tailed hawks and other birds