If you are running GitLab version 8.12 or later, the permissions model was reworked. Along with this new permission model comes the CI environment variable CI_JOB_TOKEN. The premium version of GitLab uses this environment variable for triggers, but you can use it to clone repos.

Re-using $CI_REPOSITORY_URL defined by Gitlab and available even inside child Docker containers. This env var already contains username and password, that can be used for another repo on the same server. See snippet from .gitlab-ci.yml:

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But I like GitLab CI way of Pipeline As Code, where .gitlab-ci.yml controls the build of this very repo and you don't even have to think about that whole pre-build step of getting sources.Then such build would publish binary artifacts and downstream projects\repos can use those instead of sources of dependencies. It's also faster.

There's better way - to publish\fetch artifacts to\from external widely-adopted Package Manager.Depending on your language it could be Maven, NuGet, npm, jFrog Artifactory, Nexus, etc.Another advantage of this method is that developers can follow the same process in their local builds, which is not easily done if dependencies are defined in .gitlab-ci.yml

You can add a deploy key to all projects. Then configure the deploy key's private key on the runner(s). Use normal git commands in your build process to clone the repositories on the runner. This may require a bit of configuration on your runners, but it should work.

You can either generate one SSH key pair and use that on all runners or generate one key pair per runner. To generate an SSH key pair follow SSH key documentation. The private key should be placed in 'gitlab-runner' user's .ssh directory so the git command can present it at clone time. The public key should be added to the GitLab project as a deploy key. Add a deploy key in the project settings -> 'Deploy Keys'.

So I have repo 1 and repo 2.

In Repo 1 I've conifugred my .gitlab-ci file, which performs all of my ci-cd tasks.

And for example, repo 2 is my app repo.

In repo 2 I've created a pipeline that uses the include part, and referece to repo 1 .gitlab-ci file.

I thought I could have a script which would just run git clone using $CI variables for repo, token etc but I had some issues with it and I gave up. But perhaps it was a better way and I should keep trying that instead of doing a multi project pipeline for such a trivial task as getting another repo in. Any recommendation?


I have a need to use multiple repos in a single CI job. One example is that test data is in its own repo shared by many projects. So the test job in a repo depends on the build job so it gets its artifacts, but then needs to clone or pull the test data repo before running the tests.

Following GitLab documentation I managed to construct a valid URLs for any project/repo. I want to do exactly the same thing the runner does for the project/repo the CI job is coming from for the other extra repos. Reading carefully from this GitLab document:

git fetch only updates the changes in the local database but does not pull the change history into the local repository. It works well in combination to checkout a new branch, but not for future subsequent commits in the remote branch.

This way, the submodules are available to everyone cloning the repository for their development environments too, which might be handy with running local tests, etc. too. They are also visible in the GitLab UI.

Git submodules inside the GitLab Runner can be initialized by cloning the repository recursively. This step is done by the runner itself, you do not need any Git CLI commands yourself. Using Git submodules with GitLab CI/CD | GitLab The only required change is to specify a global variable to define the recursive clone strategy.

Modern software products consist of different components and

microservices that work together, relying on many libraries and dependencies:

because of this, many projects cannot be limited to one single repository.

The most important feature is the ability to trigger an external pipeline

from gitlab-ci.yml: using the special variable $CI_JOB_TOKEN and the

Pipeline Trigger API

you can start another pipeline in a different project directly from your job,

without setting any additional authentication token or configuration in the

target project: GitLab automatically detects the user running the caller

pipeline, and run the target one with the same privileges.

The $CI_JOB_TOKEN variable

is automatically created when a job starts: it is associated with the user

that is running the job, so GitLab is able to enforce permissions when

dealing with other related projects. It is also very limited in capabilities,

and it is automatically destroyed as soon as the job ends, to prevent abuses.

Another very useful feature is the ability to see how projects are linked

together directly in the pipeline graph:

upstream and downstream stages are rendered as squared boxes and connected

to the main flow. They give you the status of the related pipelines and you

can easily jump to them by clicking the boxes. This feature is also available

in the pipeline mini-graph that is shown in the Merge Request Widget (this

feature was released with GitLab 9.4).

You can also use the $CI_JOB_TOKEN variable with the Jobs API in order to

download artifacts

from another project. This is very helpful if one of the related pipelines

creates a dependency that you need (this has been possible since

GitLab 9.5).

A common development pattern is to have an API provider, a web

frontend, and some additional services (bulk data processing, email management,

etc). Each of these components has its own life in a different repository,

but they are strictly connected: a change in one of them should trigger

builds and integration tests in all the related projects in order to check

that the changes are not introducing unintended behaviors. Linking those

projects with multi-project pipelines automates this task, and users

will receive notifications in case of failures.

Another common scenario where multi-project pipelines can be used to simplify

the development workflow is packaging and releasing software: every time a

change is pushed to the stable branch, a downstream pipeline for the repository

that is responsible for packaging the application is triggered automatically.

This pipeline can easily fetch the latest artifacts from all the repositories

that contain the components of the application and create a Docker image or a

package that can be then published and distributed.

Multi-project pipelines are very helpful when dealing with big applications

that are not fully contained in a single repository. Existing features allow

users to connect them together and automate processes without complex setups.

I realised that most of my bash code is boilerplate so I created a central git repo with a library I `source` at the beginning of all my scripts containing the shared code. It works great when deploying from my Mac but I get permission issues when using the CI_JOB_TOKEN when deploying from the pipeline.


I have a lot of terraform module repositories that have each a .gitlab-ci.yml file to trigger a pipeline. Since it's exactly the same file everywhere, is that possible to create a repo for my CI file and sync it somehow to the other repo ? So If I need to change something on my pipeline I will not have to change it in 20 different place ?


I seem to have some fundamental problem in my GitLab instance somewhere or am not understanding the purpose of project access tokens properly. Some context: Am maintaining multiple different projects for multiple different customers containing arbitrary files. Customers should be allowed to either clone or download their own individual repos, but no others and without creating "real" user accounts in the GitLab instance.

This reads like a perfect use-case for deploy or project access tokens. Deploy tokens seem to be working as intended: Specially crafted URLs (https://_token_customer_reader:PASSWD@SERVER/ORG/bin/releases/CUSTOMER-1.git) can be used by customers with some Git client to clone the repo. Access to other repos using the same token is forbidden according to my tests. Though, deploy tokens don't allow web browser downloads, cloning only.

Project access tokens OTOH do allow downloads using some web browser ( _token=PASSWD&sha=prod) because one can grant access to the GitLab API for those. BUT: According to my tests with Git clients and browser, ONE token allows access to ALL other repos in my GitLab instance. One simply needs to change the project ID in the URL and possibly the branch name or commit hash, but downloads succeed with arbitrary different content.

The current document suggests creating separate webhooks in Gitlab and says to follow instructions in the pipeline settings. But the pipeline settings for Gitlab repositories documents configuring a Gitlab Integration - which can only be done once.

In Gitlab, there is hierarchy organized as Groups (the root group is your organization), subgroups at multiple levels and Projects (repositories). Having such hierarchy is Git provider-specific so I guess such feature could be provider-specific as well as having a generic Git provider.

I have been working since last year with julia, and I developed several packages for internal use in my company. Up to now, these developments were my own and did not require much input from other developers. I am mostly versioning them using git repos on a NAS and created a private registry on that same NAS using LocalRegistry.jl (many thanks @GunnarFarneback ). 17dc91bb1f

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